Hi Guozhang,

I am a bit busy at work. When I get the change I'll definitely try to get a
proof of concept going. Not the kafka protocol, but just the buffering and
threading structures, maybe just write to another socket. I think it would
be useful just to get the queueing and buffer management going and prove
that it can be done in a zero copy way in a multi producer single consumer
environment. If that is working, then the single consumer can be the kafka
network sync thread.


On Fri, Jan 16, 2015 at 11:58 AM, Guozhang Wang <wangg...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Rajiv,
> Thanks for this proposal, it would be great if you can upload some
> implementation patch for the CAS idea and show some memory usage / perf
> differences.
> Guozhang
> On Sun, Dec 14, 2014 at 9:27 PM, Rajiv Kurian <ra...@signalfuse.com>
> wrote:
> > Resuscitating this thread. I've done some more experiments and profiling.
> > My messages are very tiny (currently 25 bytes) per message and creating
> > multiple objects per message leads to a lot of churn. The memory churn
> > through creation of convenience objects is more than the memory being
> used
> > by my objects right now. I could probably batch my messages further, to
> > make this effect less pronounced.​ I did some rather unscientific
> > experiments with a flyweight approach on top of the ByteBuffer for a
> simple
> > messaging API (peer to peer NIO based so not a real comparison) and the
> > numbers were very satisfactory and there is no garbage created in steady
> > state at all. Though I don't expect such good numbers from actually going
> > through the broker + all the other extra stuff that a real producer would
> > do, I think there is great potential here.
> >
> > The general mechanism for me is this:
> > i) A buffer (I used Unsafe but I imagine ByteBuffer having similar
> > performance) is created per partition.
> > ii) A CAS loop (in Java 7 and less) or even better unsafe.getAndAddInt()
> in
> > Java 8 can be used to claim a chunk of bytes on the per topic buffer.
> This
> > code can be invoked from multiple threads in a wait free manner
> (wait-free
> > in Java 8, since getAndAddInt() is wait-free).  Once a region in the
> buffer
> > is claimed, it can be operated on using the flyweight method that we
> talked
> > about. If the buffer doesn't have enough space then we can drop the
> message
> > or move onto a new buffer. Further this creates absolutely zero objects
> in
> > steady state (only a few objects created in the beginning). Even if the
> > flyweight method is not desired, the API can just take byte arrays or
> > objects that need to be serialized and copy them onto the per topic
> buffers
> > in a similar way. This API has been validated in Aeron too, so I am
> pretty
> > confident that it will work well. For the zero copy technique here is a
> > link to Aeron API with zero copy -
> > https://github.com/real-logic/Aeron/issues/18. The regular one copies
> byte
> > arrays but without any object creation.
> > iii) The producer send thread can then just go in FIFO order through the
> > buffer sending messages that have been committed using NIO to rotate
> > between brokers. We might need a background thread to zero out used
> buffers
> > too.
> >
> > I've left out some details, but again none of this very revolutionary -
> > it's mostly the same techniques used in Aeron. I really think that we can
> > keep the API ga rbage free and wait-free (even in the multi producer
> case)
> > without compromising how pretty it looks - the total zero copy API will
> low
> > level, but it should only be used by advanced users. Moreover the usual
> > producer.send(msg, topic, partition) can use the efficient ByteBuffer
> > offset API internally without it itself creating any garbage. With the
> > technique I talked about there is no need for an intermediate queue of
> any
> > kind since the underlying ByteBuffer per partition acts as the queue.
> >
> > I can do more experiments with some real producer code instead of my toy
> > code to further validate the idea, but I am pretty sure that both
> > throughput and jitter characteristics will improve thanks to lower
> > contention (wait-free in java 8 with a single getAndAddInt() operation
> for
> > sync ) and better cache locality (C like buffers and a few constant
> number
> > of objects per partition). If you guys are interested, I'd love to talk
> > more. Again just to reiterate, I don't think the API will suffer at all -
> > most of this can be done under the covers. Additionally it will open up
> > things so that a low level zero copy API is possible.
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Rajiv
> >
> --
> -- Guozhang

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