Thanks for reporting the issue. Would you mind running hprof and sending
the output?

On Mon, Dec 8, 2014 at 1:25 AM, Mathias Söderberg <> wrote:

> Good day,
> I upgraded a Kafka cluster from v0.8.1.1 to v0.8.2-beta and noticed that
> the CPU usage on the broker machines went up by roughly 40%, from ~60% to
> ~100% and am wondering if anyone else has experienced something similar?
> The load average also went up by 2x-3x.
> We're running on EC2 and the cluster currently consists of four m1.xlarge,
> with roughly 1100 topics / 4000 partitions. Using Java 7 (1.7.0_65 to be
> exact) and Scala 2.9.2. Configurations can be found over here:
> I'm assuming that this is not expected behaviour for 0.8.2-beta?
> Best regards,
> Mathias


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