Hello Experts,

I'm using a kafka topic to store bunch of messages where the key contains
metadata and value is the data (avro file in our case).
There are multiple consumers for each topic and the consumer can decide if
the message is relevant for it or not based on the metadata i.e. the key of
the message.
Using this a group-consumer can check the key if the message is required by
it and then it can retrieve the entire message otherwise it'll just commit
the offset and move on to the next message.

So I was wondering if kafka has an api in kafka that lets the consumer to
get just the metadata i.e. key, something like getMetadata instead
of getMessageAndMetadata?

If kafka has something like this can you help me out with some
documentation for the same?
I think this will be useful in a lot of scenarios so if its not there I can
file a JIRA and take a dig at it. Let me know what you all think.

Thanks for your help & suggestions.

Thanks & Regards,

*Mukesh Jha <me.mukesh....@gmail.com>*

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