Probably you need to enable the log cleaner for those to show up? We
disable it by default and so I think those metrics never get created.


On Tue, Feb 10, 2015 at 3:33 AM, <>

> Hello,
> I have a problem with some JMX metrics. In Kafka source code I see
> LogCleaner (has metrics: 'max-buffer-utilization-percent',
> 'cleaner-recopy-percent', 'max-clean-time-secs') and LogCleanerManager (has
> metric: 'max-dirty-percent')
> But I don't see this beans&metrics in jconsole when I attach to broker
> process.
> Any ideas why? Maybe this beans live only short time during cleanup that's
> why I don't see them in jconsole?
> I use Kafka monitoring tool which show me other metrics, but not these
> 'Log clean' metrics.
> Below are some SPM graphs showing the state of my system.
> Here's the 'Topic Bytes/Messages' graph:

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