So it's not possible to have 1 topic with 1 partition and many consumers of
that topic?

My intention is to have a topic with many consumers, but each consumer
needs to be able to have access to all the messages in that topic.

On 11 February 2015 at 20:42, Zijing Guo <> wrote:

> Partition key is on producer level, that if you have multiple partitions
> for a single topic, then you can pass in a key for the KeyedMessage object,
> and base on different partition.class, it will return a partition number
> for the producer, and producer will find the leader for that partition.I
> don't know how kafka could handle time series case, but depends on how many
> partitions for that topic. If you only have 1 partition, then you don't
> need to worry about order at all, since each consumer group can only allow
> 1 consumer instance to consume that data.  if you have multiple partitions
> (say 3 for example), then you can fire up 3 consumer instances under the
> same consumer group, and each will only consume 1 partition's data. if
> order in each partition matters, then you need to do some work on the
> producer side.Hope this helpsEdwin
>      On Wednesday, February 11, 2015 3:14 PM, Gary Ogden <>
> wrote:
>  I'm trying to understand how the partition key works and whether I need to
> specify a partition key for my topics or not.  What happens if I don't
> specify a PK and I have more than one consumer that wants all messages in a
> topic for a certain period of time? Will those consumers get all the
> messages, but they just may not be ordered correctly?
> The current scenario is that we will have events going into a topic based
> on customer and the data will remain in the topic for 24 hours. We will
> then have multiple consumers reading messages from that topic. They will
> want to be able to get them out over a time range (could be last hour, last
> 8 hours etc).
> So if I specify the same PK for each subscriber, then each consumer will
> get all messages in the correct order?  If I don't specify the PK or use a
> random one, will each consumer still get all the messages but they just
> won't be ordered correctly?

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