Hey Rajiv,

Are you using snappy compression?

On Tue, Dec 15, 2015 at 12:52 PM, Rajiv Kurian <ra...@signalfx.com> wrote:

> We had to revert to 0.8.3 because three of our topics seem to have gotten
> corrupted during the upgrade. As soon as we did the upgrade producers to
> the three topics I mentioned stopped being able to do writes. The clients
> complained (occasionally) about leader not found exceptions. We restarted
> our clients and brokers but that didn't seem to help. Actually even after
> reverting to 0.8.3 these three topics were broken. To fix it we had to stop
> all clients, delete the topics, create them again and then restart the
> clients.
> I realize this is not a lot of info. I couldn't wait to get more debug info
> because the cluster was actually being used. Has any one run into something
> like this? Are there any known issues with old consumers/producers. The
> topics that got busted had clients writing to them using the old Java
> wrapper over the Scala producer.
> Here are the steps I took to upgrade.
> For each broker:
> 1. Stop the broker.
> 2. Restart with the 0.9 broker running with
> inter.broker.protocol.version=0.8.2.X
> 3. Wait for under replicated partitions to go down to 0.
> 4. Go to step 1.
> Once all the brokers were running the 0.9 code with
> inter.broker.protocol.version=0.8.2.X we restarted them one by one with
> inter.broker.protocol.version=
> When reverting I did the following.
> For each broker.
> 1. Stop the broker.
> 2. Restart with the 0.9 broker running with
> inter.broker.protocol.version=0.8.2.X
> 3. Wait for under replicated partitions to go down to 0.
> 4. Go to step 1.
> Once all the brokers were running 0.9 code with
> inter.broker.protocol.version=0.8.2.X  I restarted them one by one with the
> broker code. This however like I mentioned did not fix the three
> broken topics.
> On Mon, Dec 14, 2015 at 3:13 PM, Rajiv Kurian <ra...@signalfx.com> wrote:
> > Now that it has been a bit longer, the spikes I was seeing are gone but
> > the CPU and network in/out on the three brokers that were showing the
> > spikes are still much higher than before the upgrade. Their CPUs have
> > increased from around 1-2% to 12-20%. The network in on the same brokers
> > has gone up from under 2 Mb/sec to 19-33 Mb/sec. The network out has gone
> > up from under 2 Mb/sec to 29-42 Mb/sec. I don't see a corresponding
> > increase in kafka messages in per second or kafka bytes in per second JMX
> > metrics.
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Rajiv
> >

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