We have changed the __consumer_offsets topic policy to "delete" from
"compact" and it is working as expected for us. The segments older than
segment.ms are purged like it happens for a normal topic. Offsets fetch and
commit also worked fine. Thanks

On Tue, Mar 8, 2016 at 12:59 PM, Achanta Vamsi Subhash <
achanta.va...@flipkart.com> wrote:

> Thanks for the reply Jason.
> Our topics global retention is for 4 days and as we are planning to set
> the __consumer_offsets retention to the same interval, in the worst case,
> we won't loose any message offsets as the data will anyways be rotated.
> Reg. the problems with log cleaner:
> 1. I enabled log compaction on one of the broker where the consumer
> offsets partitions reside (and that was running out of memory due to huge
> size of these partitions).
> 2. Upon reboot, the broker actually truncated all the logs and started
> replicating afresh - TBs of data.
> 3. This made the entire cluster slow as we hit our Rx and Tx limits and
> all the other topics got affected as the producing latencies spiked to
> minutes from milli-seconds.
> Theoretically, I was only expecting the partitions will only get the diff
> of the data from the leader as it has almost all of the data for the
> to-be-compacted topics. But as the partitions were compacted upon restart,
> the replication started getting all the data from the leader (which is not
> compacted). Hence, we took the broker OOR. Also, other wierd thing was the
> consumers have reset the offsets of these partitions to the latest when
> they failed to commit the offsets (which happened when the this broker was
> leader for some of the partitions and acks=-1 for the offsets topic and
> when shutdown, takes some time ~ max lag messages before coming off the
> ISR). We will investigate further on why the offsets were reset and file a
> Now we are in a situtation where we might run out of disk space for the
> __consumer_offsets hosting brokers and we are planning to change the policy
> to delete to avoid that. Please give your inputs. Thanks.
> On Tue, Mar 8, 2016 at 7:10 AM, Jason Gustafson <ja...@confluent.io>
> wrote:
>> This is actually a really good question. If you change the retention
>> policy
>> of the offsets topic, then in the worst case, consumer groups could lose
>> their last committed positions and fall back to the auto reset behavior.
>> However, if your consumers are not down for a long time and you set the
>> retention to a reasonably long value, maybe you can get away with it? One
>> downside is that broker reads the entire offset log into an in-memory
>> cache
>> when it takes over leadership of one of the __consumer_offsets partitions.
>> Hence the longer your retention time, the longer it will take for the new
>> leader to read to the end of the log. There may be other consequences as
>> well that I haven't thought of...
>> Can you describe in a little more detail the problem that you found
>> enabling the cleaner?
>> -Jason
>> On Sun, Mar 6, 2016 at 3:09 AM, Achanta Vamsi Subhash <
>> achanta.va...@flipkart.com> wrote:
>> > Hi,
>> >
>> > We tested this on our stage environment and works fine if we change the
>> > policy to delete from compact. Will there be any side effects if we
>> change
>> > it to delete for the __consumer_offsets topic?
>> >
>> > On Wed, Mar 2, 2016 at 4:43 PM, Achanta Vamsi Subhash <
>> > achanta.va...@flipkart.com> wrote:
>> >
>> > > Hi all,
>> > >
>> > > We have a __consumer_offsets topic has cleanup.policy=compact and
>> > > log.cleaner.enable=false. What would happen if we change the
>> > cleanup.policy
>> > > to delete? Will that treat the offsets topic as same as any other
>> topic?
>> > >
>> > > We currently have a setup without log.cleaner.enable=false and we have
>> > > offset topics hosting brokers using a lot of disk as they are never
>> > > cleaned/compacted. We tried enabling log.cleaner.enable=true for the
>> > > brokers with offsets topic and that is leading to lot of replicated
>> data
>> > > and is taking hours to finish.
>> > >
>> > > What is a better way to clean up the old segments of
>> __consumer_offsets
>> > > topic?
>> > >
>> > > --
>> > > Regards
>> > > Vamsi Subhash
>> > >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > --
>> > Regards
>> > Vamsi Subhash
>> >
> --
> Regards
> Vamsi Subhash

Vamsi Subhash

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