Sounds reasonable to me.

On 04/05/2016 05:56 PM, Mario Ricci wrote:
> I found this 
> thread<>
>  and see that poll() must be called before seek().
> This seems unintuitive and the error message ("No current assignment for 
> partition partitionName") is not very helpful.
> Why wouldn't subscribe take care of partition assignments and leave it to the 
> first call of poll()?  Alternately, if someone feels strongly about keeping 
> assignments tied to the poll() method, could we just append something on to 
> the error message to something like: "No current assignment for partition 
> partitionName.  If you called seek() you must call poll() first".
> I can see this being confusing for others, especially if they are designing 
> something that needs to start processing at the end or somewhere in between.
> Mario Ricci

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