Hi Dave,
Dory looks pretty interesting. I had a few  further questions on it
a) How does Dory handle kernel panics?
b) What kind of message guarantees does dory provide and also if you can
share some design decisions taken to enable the guarantees whatever they



On Sun, Jun 12, 2016 at 8:10 PM, Dave Peterson <d...@dspeterson.com> wrote:

> Thanks!  Enjoy :-)
> On 6/12/2016 12:24 AM, Gwen Shapira wrote:
>> Dory is pretty cool (even though it is named after a somewhat dorky
>> fish). Thank you for sharing :)
>> On Sun, Jun 12, 2016 at 1:24 AM, Dave Peterson <d...@dspeterson.com>
>> wrote:
>>> Hello Kafka users,
>>> Version 1.1.0 of Dory is now available.  See
>>> https://github.com/dspeterson/dory for details.  Dory is the successor
>>> to Bruce (https://github.com/tagged/bruce), a Kafka producer daemon I
>>> created while working at if(we) (http://www.ifwe.co/).  The code has
>>> seen a number of improvements since its initial release in September
>>> 2014.  The list of example clients for various programming languages
>>> has also been extended.  Dory maintains full backward compatibility
>>> with Bruce, so existing users can easily switch.
>>> The latest release adds support for receiving messages from clients by
>>> UNIX domain stream socket or local TCP.  Although UNIX domain
>>> datagrams are still the preferred means of sending messages in most
>>> cases, the option of using stream sockets facilitates sending messages
>>> too large to fit in a single datagram.  The local TCP option
>>> facilitates adding support for clients written in programming
>>> languages that do not provide easy access to UNIX domain sockets.
>>> Dory's wiki page http://dory.wikidot.com/start contains a list of
>>> ideas for additional features and other improvements.  Community
>>> feedback is welcomed and appreciated.  If you have ideas for things
>>> you would like to see in future releases, please add them to the list.
>>> Also, please contribute code if you can afford the time.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Dave Peterson

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