
I was following the Quickstart guide and I have noticed that
ConsoleProducer does not publish all messages (the number of messages
published differs from one run to another) and happens mostly on a fresh
started broker.
version: kafka_2.11-
OS: Linux (Ubuntu 14.04, Centos 7.2)
JDK: java version "1.7.0_101"
OpenJDK Runtime Environment (IcedTea 2.6.6) (7u101-2.6.6-0ubuntu0.14.04.1),
openjdk version "1.8.0_91"
OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_91-b14)

How to reproduce:
- start zookeeper:
~/work/kafka_2.11-$ bin/zookeeper-server-start.sh
config/zookeeper.properties &

-start kafka:
~/work/kafka_2.11-$ bin/kafka-server-start.sh
config/server.properties &

-start console consumer (topic test1 is already created):
~/work/kafka_2.11-$ bin/kafka-console-consumer.sh
--bootstrap-server localhost:9092 -topic test1 --zookeeper localhost:2181

-in another terminal start console producer with the LICENSE file in kafka
directory as input:
~/work/kafka_2.11-$ bin/kafka-console-producer.sh --topic test1
--broker-list localhost:9092   <LICENSE

The last line in the console consumer output is not the last line in the
LICENSE file for the first few runs of the console producer. If I use the
--old-producer parameter, all the lines in the LICENSE file are published
(and appear in the console consumer output). Different runs of console
producer with the same input file publish different number of lines
(sometimes all, sometimes only 182 lines out of 330). I've noticed that if
the kafka server was started a long time ago the console producer publishes
all lines.
I have checked the kafka binary log file (in my case
/tmp/kafka-logs/test1-0/00000000000000000000.log ) and confirmed that the
messages are not published (the console consumer receives all the messages).

Is there an explanation for this behavior?

Best regards,

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