Kafka Server: kafka_2.11-,  Kafka Client:

2 Kafka brokders(with 1 zookeeper node) as below:

then kill the kafka-node0 ,and when the consumer code run at:
 ConsumerRecords<?, ?> records = consumer.poll(100);
got the messages below:
15:20:47.843 [main] DEBUG org.apache.kafka.clients.NetworkClient - Sending 
metadata request ClientRequest(expectResponse=true, callback=null, 
 body={topics=[paramsTopic]}), isInitiatedByNetworkClient, 
createdTimeMs=1468221647843, sendTimeMs=0) to node 1
15:20:47.847 [main] DEBUG org.apache.kafka.clients.Metadata - Updated cluster 
metadata version 246 to Cluster(nodes = [Node(1, kafka-node0, 9092)], 
partitions = [Partition(topic = paramsTopic, partition = 3, leader = 1, 
replicas = [1,], isr = [1,], Partition(topic = paramsTopic, partition = 6, 
leader = 1, replicas = [1,], isr = [1,], Partition(topic = paramsTopic, 
partition = 0, leader = 1, replicas = [1,], isr = [1,], Partition(topic = 
paramsTopic, partition = 1, leader = 1, replicas = [1,], isr = [1,], 
Partition(topic = paramsTopic, partition = 7, leader = 1, replicas = [1,], isr 
= [1,], Partition(topic = paramsTopic, partition = 2, leader = 1, replicas = 
[1,], isr = [1,], Partition(topic = paramsTopic, partition = 8, leader = 1, 
replicas = [1,], isr = [1,], Partition(topic = paramsTopic, partition = 9, 
leader = 1, replicas = [1,], isr = [1,], Partition(topic = paramsTopic, 
partition = 5, leader = 1, replicas = [1,], isr = [1,], Partition(topic = 
paramsTopic, partition = 4, leader = 1, replicas = [1,], isr = [1,]])
15:20:47.847 [main] DEBUG 
org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.internals.AbstractCoordinator - Issuing group 
metadata request to broker 1

I did not see any message recieved, Why?

Harim Tong

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