
I am using librdkafka c++ library for my application .

*My Kafka Cluster Set up*
2 Kafka Zookeper running on 2 different instances
7 Kafka Brokers , 4 Running on 1 machine and 3 running on other machine
Total 10 Topics and partition count is 3 with replication factor of 3.

Now in my case I need to be very specific for the *message order* when I am
consuming the messages. I know if all the messages gets produced to the
same partition, it always gets consumed in the same order.

I need expert opinions like what's the ideal partition count I should
consider without effecting performance.( I am looking for close to 100,000
messages per seconds).
The topics are from 0 to 9 and when I am producing messages I do something
like uniqueUserId % 10 , and then pointing to a respective topic like 0 ||
1 || 2 etc..


If you can't succeed, call it version 1.0

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