Why do you have 10 topics?  It seems like you are treating topics like 
partitions and it's unclear why you don't just have 1 topic with 10, 20, or 
even 30 partitions. Ordering is only guaranteed at a partition level.

In general if you want to capacity plan for partitions you benchmark a single 
partition and then divide your peak estimated throughput by the results of the 
single partition results.

If you expect the peak throughput to increase over time then double your 
partition count to allow room to grow the number of consumers without having to 

Sizing can be a bit more tricky if you are using keys but it doesn't sound like 
you are if today you are publishing to topics the way you describe.


> On Oct 8, 2016, at 9:01 PM, Abhit Kalsotra <abhit...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Guys any views ?
> Abhi
>> On Sat, Oct 8, 2016 at 4:28 PM, Abhit Kalsotra <abhit...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hello
>> I am using librdkafka c++ library for my application .
>> *My Kafka Cluster Set up*
>> 2 Kafka Zookeper running on 2 different instances
>> 7 Kafka Brokers , 4 Running on 1 machine and 3 running on other machine
>> Total 10 Topics and partition count is 3 with replication factor of 3.
>> Now in my case I need to be very specific for the *message order* when I
>> am consuming the messages. I know if all the messages gets produced to the
>> same partition, it always gets consumed in the same order.
>> I need expert opinions like what's the ideal partition count I should
>> consider without effecting performance.( I am looking for close to 100,000
>> messages per seconds).
>> The topics are from 0 to 9 and when I am producing messages I do something
>> like uniqueUserId % 10 , and then pointing to a respective topic like 0 ||
>> 1 || 2 etc..
>> Abhi
>> --
>> If you can't succeed, call it version 1.0
> -- 
> If you can't succeed, call it version 1.0

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