Hi Jon,

There is an optimization in 
where we don't encode and decode the end of the window since the user can 
always calculate it. So instead we return a default of Long.MAX_VALUE, which is 
the big number you see.

In other words, use window().start() but not window().end() in this case. If 
you want to print both, just add the window size to window().start().

> On 29 Nov 2016, at 16:17, Jon Yeargers <jon.yearg...@cedexis.com> wrote:
> Using the following topology:
> KStream<String,SumRecord> kStream =
> kStreamBuilder.stream(stringSerde,transSerde,TOPIC);
>        KTable<Windowed<String>, SumRecordCollector> ktAgg =
> kStream.groupByKey().aggregate(
>                SumRecordCollector::new,
>                new Aggregate(),
>                TimeWindows.of(20 * 60 * 1000).advanceBy(60 * 1000),
>                cSerde, "table_stream");
> When looking at windows as follows:
>           ktAgg.toStream().foreach((postKey, postValue) -> {
>                 LOGGER.debug("start: {}   end: {}",
> postkey.window().start(), postkey.window().end());
>           }
> The 'start' values are coming through properly incremented but the 'end'
> values are all 9223372036854775807.
> Is there something wrong with my topology? Some other bug that would cause
> this?

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