Let us know if we can help with that, what problems are you seeing with records 
in wrong windows?


> On 29 Nov 2016, at 19:02, Jon Yeargers <jon.yearg...@cedexis.com> wrote:
> I've been having problems with records appearing in windows that they
> clearly don't belong to. Was curious whether this was related but it seems
> not. Bummer.
> On Tue, Nov 29, 2016 at 8:52 AM, Eno Thereska <eno.there...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Hi Jon,
>> There is an optimization in org.apache.kafka.streams.kstream.internals.
>> WindowedSerializer/Deserializer where we don't encode and decode the end
>> of the window since the user can always calculate it. So instead we return
>> a default of Long.MAX_VALUE, which is the big number you see.
>> In other words, use window().start() but not window().end() in this case.
>> If you want to print both, just add the window size to window().start().
>> Thanks
>> Eno
>>> On 29 Nov 2016, at 16:17, Jon Yeargers <jon.yearg...@cedexis.com> wrote:
>>> Using the following topology:
>>> KStream<String,SumRecord> kStream =
>>> kStreamBuilder.stream(stringSerde,transSerde,TOPIC);
>>>       KTable<Windowed<String>, SumRecordCollector> ktAgg =
>>> kStream.groupByKey().aggregate(
>>>               SumRecordCollector::new,
>>>               new Aggregate(),
>>>               TimeWindows.of(20 * 60 * 1000).advanceBy(60 * 1000),
>>>               cSerde, "table_stream");
>>> When looking at windows as follows:
>>>          ktAgg.toStream().foreach((postKey, postValue) -> {
>>>                LOGGER.debug("start: {}   end: {}",
>>> postkey.window().start(), postkey.window().end());
>>>          }
>>> The 'start' values are coming through properly incremented but the 'end'
>>> values are all 9223372036854775807.
>>> Is there something wrong with my topology? Some other bug that would
>> cause
>>> this?

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