You might want to use the new replication quotas mechanism (i.e. network
throttling) to make sure that replication traffic doesn't negatively impact
your production traffic.

See for details:

This feature was added in 0.10.1


 * Hans Jespersen, Principal Systems Engineer, Confluent Inc.
 * (650)924-2670

On Tue, Mar 14, 2017 at 10:09 AM, Joe San <> wrote:

> Dear Kafka Users,
> What are the arguments against setting the retention plociy on a Kafka
> topic to infinite? I was in an interesting discussion with one of my
> colleagues where he was suggesting to set the retention policy for a topic
> to be indefinite.
> So how does this play up when adding new broker partitions? Say, I have
> accumulated in my topic some gigabytes of data and now I realize that I
> have to scale up by adding another partition. Now is this going to pose me
> a problem? The partition rebalance has to happen and I'm not sure what the
> implications are with rebalancing a partition that has gigabytes of data.
> Any thoughts on this?
> Thanks and Regards,
> Jothi

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