Thanks for the feedback.

I'm not super familiar with the inner workings of Apache's Maven
repos, so I can't explain why we do things the way we do. I followed
the same process on all Apache projects I was on (Kafka, Sqoop,
Flume). Do you know projects that do things the way you suggested?

Either way, may be worthwhile to start a different discussion thread
about RC releases in Maven. Perhaps more knowledgable people will see
it and jump in.


On Tue, Apr 11, 2017 at 4:31 PM, Steven Schlansker
<> wrote:
>> On Apr 7, 2017, at 5:12 PM, Gwen Shapira <> wrote:
>> Hello Kafka users, developers and client-developers,
>> This is the first candidate for the release of Apache Kafka This
>> is a bug fix release and it includes fixes and improvements from 24 JIRAs
>> (including a few critical bugs). See the release notes for more details:
> Hi Gwen,
> I downloaded and tested the RC with a small Kafka Streams app and the upgrade
> seems to have gone smoothly.  (I did not upgrade any brokers though).
> One question about the RC process -- currently it seems that the RC is 
> uploaded
> to a staging repo with the final release version.
> Would it not be easier for the community if instead the RC is uploaded to the
> main repo with a "-rc" version?
> Currently, you have to convince Maven to get "" from the staging repo,
> and then when the final version hits Maven would never update in case there 
> were
> any post-RC changes.
> Additionally, if there are further RCs, it is quite easy to confuse yourself
> and not be sure exactly which RC jar you are running at any given time, and 
> the
> problem compounds itself when multiple developers or build boxes are involved.
> Many other projects instead would create a "" version and publish
> that to the normal Maven Central -- that way it is publicly downloadable and
> strongly tagged / versioned as the RC.
> Has the Kafka project given any thought to this sort of a proposal?
> As a tester / outside user it would make the process a little easier.
> Either way, excited for the release, and thanks for all the work!

Gwen Shapira
Product Manager | Confluent
650.450.2760 | @gwenshap
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