Another quick question:

Say we chose to add our customer's certificates directly to our brokers
trust store and vice verse, could that work ? There is no documentation on
Kafka or Confluent site for this ?


On Wed, May 17, 2017 at 1:56 PM, Rajini Sivaram <>

> Raghav,
> 1. Yes, your customers can use certificates signed by a trusted authority.
> You can simply omit the truststore configuration for your broker in
>, and Kafka would use the default, which will trust the
> client certificates. If your brokers are using SSL for inter-broker
> communication and you are still using your private CA for broker's
> keystore, then you will need two separate endpoints in your listener
> configuration, one for your customer's clients and another for inter-broker
> communication so that you can specify a truststore with your private
> ca-cert for your broker connections.
> 2. Yes, all the commands can specify password on the command line, so you
> should be able to generate all the stores using a script without any
> interactions.
> Regards,
> Rajini
> On Wed, May 17, 2017 at 2:49 PM, Raghav <> wrote:
>> One follow up questions Rajini:
>> 1. Can we use some other mechanism like have our customer's use a well
>> known CA which JKS understands, and in that case we don't have to ask our
>> customers to do this certificate-in and certificate-out thing ? I am just
>> trying to understand if we can make our customer's workflow easier.
>> Anything else that you can suggest here....
>> 2. Can we automate the key gen steps mentioned on apache website and
>> adding to keystone and trust store so that we don't have to manually supply
>> password ? Currently, everytime I tried to do steps mentioned in
>> I have to manually give
>> password. It would be great if we can automate this process either through
>> script or Java code. Any suggestions ...
>> Many thanks.
>> On Tue, May 16, 2017 at 10:58 AM, Raghav <> wrote:
>>> Many thanks, Rajini.
>>> On Tue, May 16, 2017 at 8:43 AM, Rajini Sivaram <
>>> > wrote:
>>>> Hi Raghav,
>>>> If your Kafka broker is configured with *ssl.client.auth=required,* your
>>>> customer's clients need to provide a keystore. In any case, they need a
>>>> truststore since your broker is using SSL. For the truststore, you can
>>>> given them ca-cert, as you mentioned. Client keystore contains a
>>>> certificate and a private key.
>>>> In the round-trip you described, customers generate the keys and give
>>>> you the certificate signing request, keeping their private key private. You
>>>> then send them back a signed certificate that goes into their keystore.
>>>> This is the standard way of signing and is secure.
>>>> In the single step scenario that you described, you generate the
>>>> customer's key-pair consisting of certificate and private key. You then
>>>> need to send them both the signed certificate and the private key. This is
>>>> less secure. Unlike the round-trip, you now have the private key of the
>>>> customer.
>>>> Regards,
>>>> Rajini
>>>> On Tue, May 16, 2017 at 10:47 AM, Raghav <> wrote:
>>>>> Hi Rajini
>>>>> This was very helpful. I have another questions on similar lines.
>>>>> We host Kafka Broker, and we also have our own private CA. We want our
>>>>> customers to setup their Kafka Clients (Producer and Consumer) using SSL
>>>>> using *ssl.client.auth=required*.
>>>>> Is there a way, we can generate certificate for our clients, sign it
>>>>> using our private CA, and then hand over our customers these  two
>>>>> certificates (1. ca-cert 2. cert-signed), which if they add to their
>>>>> keystroke and truststore, they can send message to our Kafka brokers while
>>>>> keeping *ssl.client.auth=required*.
>>>>> We are looking to minimize our customer's pre-setup steps. For example
>>>>> in normal scenario, customers will need to generate certificate, and hand
>>>>> over their certificate request to our private CA, which we then sign it,
>>>>> and send them signed certificate and private CA's certificate. So there is
>>>>> one round trip. Just wondering if we can reduce this 2 step into 1 step.
>>>>> Thanks.
>>>>> On Fri, May 12, 2017 at 8:53 AM, Rajini Sivaram <
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Raqhav,
>>>>>> 1. Clients need a keystore if you are using TLS client
>>>>>> authentication. To
>>>>>> enable client authentication, you need to configure ssl.client.auth in
>>>>>> This can be set to required|requested|none. If you
>>>>>> don't
>>>>>> enable client authentication, any client will be able to connect to
>>>>>> your
>>>>>> broker. You could alternatively use SASL for client authentication.
>>>>>> .
>>>>>> 2. Client keystore is mandatory if ssl.client.auth=required, optional
>>>>>> for
>>>>>> requested and not used for none. The truststore configured on the
>>>>>> client is
>>>>>> used to authenticate the server. So you have to provide it unless your
>>>>>> broker is using certificates signed by a trusted authority.
>>>>>> Hope that helps.
>>>>>> Rajini
>>>>>> On Fri, May 12, 2017 at 11:35 AM, Raghav <>
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> > Hi
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > I read the documentation here:
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > I have few questions about trust store and keystore based on this
>>>>>> scenario:
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > We have 5 Kafka Brokers in our cluster. We want our clients to
>>>>>> write to our
>>>>>> > Kafka brokers in a secure way. Suppose, we also host a private CA as
>>>>>> > mentioned in the documentation above, and provide our clients the
>>>>>> *ca-cert*
>>>>>> > file, which they add it to their trust store.
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > 1. Do we require our clients to generate their certificate and have
>>>>>> it
>>>>>> > signed by our private CA, and add it to their keystore?
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > 2. When is keystore used by clients, and when is truststore used by
>>>>>> clients
>>>>>> > ?
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > Thanks.
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > --
>>>>>> > R
>>>>>> >
>>>>> --
>>>>> Raghav
>>> --
>>> Raghav
>> --
>> Raghav


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