Any thoughts on the below will be appreciated. Thanks. 

On 9/13/17, 5:00 PM, "Revin Chalil" <> wrote:

    We are testing kafka’s performance with the real prod data and plan to test 
things like the below. We would have producers publishing and consumers 
processing production data on a separate non-prod kafka cluster.
      *   Impact of number of Partitions per Topic on throughput and latency on 
Producer & Consumer
      *   Impact of scaling-up Brokers on throughput and latency
      *   adding more brokers Vs adding more Disk on existing Brokers. How does 
the network interface usage differ?
      *   cost of Replication on Throughput and Latency
      *   impact of Broker vm.swappiness = 60 Vs vm.swappiness = 1
      *   partitions on a Broker pointing to single Disk Vs multiple Disks
      *   EXT4 Vs XFS Filesystem on broker
      *   behavior when Broker “<>.threads” is increased 
from 8 to higher value
      *   behavior when Broker “” is increased from 3  to 
higher value
      *   behavior when the data segment size is increased from 1 GB (current 
      *   producer “acks = 1” Vs “acks = all” (current setting) impact on 
throughput and latency
      *   producer sending with Compression enabled (snappy?) Vs sending 
without Compression
      *   setting producer batch-size (memory based) Vs record-count (current 
setting) per batch sent to Kafka
      *   impact of message size throughput
      *   Consumers fetching records from page-cache Vs fetching records from 
    Ideally, the metrics we would like to compare for each test are (please let 
know if there are anything else to be compared)
      *   Producer write Throughput
      *   Producer write Latency (ms)
      *   Consumption Throughput
      *   Consumption Latency (ms)
      *   End-to-end Latency
    What would be the right tools to collect and compare the above metrics 
against different Tests? I have setup kafka-monitor but couldn’t find how to 
track the throughput and latency. Kafka-web-console seems to have some of these 
available? Kafka-Manager? Burrow? Anything else? Thank you.
    Since we are going to use our own producers and consumers, I do not think 
it makes sense to use tools like or, but please correct if I am wrong.

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