
We run 0.11.01 and there was a problem with 1 ReplicationFetcher on one of
the brokers - it experience out of order sequence problem for one
topic/partition and was stopped. It stayed stopped over the weekend. During
this time log cleanup was working and by now it has cleaned up all the data
in the partitions that this fetcher was responsible for - including other
partitions that didnt have out of order sequence problem at first place. It
is not completely clear to me why this initial problem occurred, but at
this moment there is a borker with no data for few partitions and
replication fetcher fails upon restart with
"org.apache.kafka.common.errors.OutOfOrderSequenceException: Invalid
sequence number for new epoch: 0 (request epoch), 154277489 (seq.
number)".  I believe this is
However I wonder what is the easiest way of bringing this replicas back

Best regards,

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