On Wed, Oct 4, 2017 at 9:44 AM, Jakub Scholz <ja...@scholz.cz> wrote:

> Hi,
> I have some questions about the configuration of the Kafka Connect REST
> interface.
> 1) What are the configuration options rest.advertised.host.name
> and rest.advertised.port useful for? The documentation says "If this is
> set, this is the hostname that will be given out to other workers to
> connect to." - does this mean that the workers actually talk with each
> other through the REST interface? I thought that they coordinate through
> Kafka brokers and the REST is only for users.

Yes, the workers do talk to each other. One of the workers will be
designated as the leader, and the other(s) as followers. When a REST
request is sent to a follower, the follower will forward the request to the
leader to ensure that the response has correct/consistent information.

> 2) Is there some way how to secure the REST interface? I would be thinking
> SSL encryption and possibly also SSL client authentication. In the docu,
> the SSL related configuration parameters seem to be there only to connect
> to Kafka brokers, but not for the REST interface. Unless there is something
> hidden (and undocumented), I would probably raise a KIP because it seem to
> me as valuable feature.

I see you found https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/KAFKA-4029, but I
mention this in case others are looking for it.

> Thanks & Regards
> Jakub

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