Apologies for the rather long set-up...

I've been using Kafka as a client for a few months now. The setup I've
been using has three brokers on separate servers, all listening to
port 9092. My consumers always connected to server1:9092. I've ignored
server2 and server3.

Now I'm starting to mess around a bit with setting up my own
itsy-bitsy cluster. Step one is a single instance at host1:9092. Next
step in the instructions (I'm following the recipe laid out in the
documentation) will be to add two more brokers at host1:9093 and

My question: If every consumer connects to host1:9092 will the brokers
listening to the other ports starve for attention, or does the
connection process somehow redirect clients to the other brokers so
the three (or more) brokers get fairly equitable loads?


Skip Montanaro

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