> If you create a partitioned topic with at least 3 partitions then you will 
> see your client connect to all of the brokers.  The client decides which 
> partition a message should go to and then sends it directly to the broker 
> that is the leader for that partition.  If you have replicated topics, then 
> the brokers themselves will also be connected to one-another in order to 
> replication messages.

Thanks. So if I create three brokers all pointing to the same
Zookeeper instance, then define


the brokers will find each other via Zookeeper and dynamically created
topics (which is all I've used so far) will be properly replicated?
Should I also bump transaction.state.log.min.isr above 1?

Apologies for such basic questions. I'm still trying to absorb the
documentation related to overall architecture and broker specifics.


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