Hello everyone,

I have implemented a Kafka Streams service using the Streams DSL.
Within the topology I am using A KGroupedTable, on which I perform an
aggregate using an adder and subtractor. AFAICS (at least when using
TopologyTestDriver) the intermediate state created by the subtractor
is pushed downstream as an update followed by another update after the
adder has been called.

Is there a way to reliably suppress publishing of this intermediate
state (which is inconsistent from a business point of view in my

The docs indicate this, but this does not sound like a guarantee ;-):

-- 8< --
Not all updates might get sent downstream, as an internal cache is
used to deduplicate consecutive updates to the same key. The rate of
propagated updates depends on your input data rate, the number of
distinct keys, the number of parallel running Kafka Streams instances,
and the configuration parameters for cache size, and commit intervall.
-- 8< --

Thanks & kind regards

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