
Yes my consumer application works like below

   1. Reads how many workers are required to process each topics from
   properties file
   2. As many threads are spawned as there are workers mentioned in
   properties file, topic name is passed to this thread. FixedThreadPool
   implementation is used.
   3. Each worker thread initializes one consumer object and subscribes to
   given topic. Consumer group is simply <topic-name>-consumer. So if my topic
   bulk-email, then consumer group for all those threads is bulk-email-consumer
   4. Once this is done, inside an infinite while loop consumer.poll(100)
   method keeps running. So this application is a daemon. Shuts down only when
   server shuts down or in case of kill command.

I have configured session.timeout.ms in consumer properties. I haven't done
anything about zookeeper timeout. Is it required now? Since consumer
accesses only the brokers.

On Thu, Aug 9, 2018 at 3:03 PM M. Manna <manme...@gmail.com> wrote:

> In the simplest way, how have you implemented your consumer?
> 1) Does your consumers join a designated group, process messages, and then
> closes all connection? Or does it stay open perpetually until server
> shutdown?
> 2) Have you configured the session timeouts for client and zookeeper
> accordingly?
> Regards,
> On 9 August 2018 at 08:00, Shantanu Deshmukh <shantanu...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> >  I am facing too many problems these days. Now one of our consumer groups
> > is rebalancing every now and then. And rebalance takes very low, more
> than
> > 5-10 minutes. Even after re-balancing I see that only half of the
> consumers
> > are active/receive assignment. Its all going haywire.
> >
> > I am seeing these logs in kafka consumer logs. Can anyone help me
> > understand what is going on here? It is a very long piece of log, but
> > someone please help me. I am desperately looking for any solution since
> > more than 2 months now. But to no avail.
> >
> > [2018-08-09 11:39:51] :: DEBUG ::
> > AbstractCoordinator$HeartbeatResponseHandler:694 - Received successful
> > heartbeat response for group bulk-email-consumer
> > [2018-08-09 11:39:53] :: DEBUG ::
> > ConsumerCoordinator$OffsetCommitResponseHandler:640 - Group
> > bulk-email-consumer committed offset 25465113 for partition bulk-email-8
> > [2018-08-09 11:39:53] :: DEBUG :: ConsumerCoordinator$4:539 - Completed
> > autocommit of offsets {bulk-email-8=OffsetAndMetadata{offset=25465113,
> > metadata=''}} for group bulk-email-consumer
> > [2018-08-09 11:39:53] :: DEBUG ::
> > ConsumerCoordinator$OffsetCommitResponseHandler:640 - Group
> > bulk-email-consumer committed offset 25463566 for partition bulk-email-6
> > [2018-08-09 11:39:53] :: DEBUG :: ConsumerCoordinator$4:539 - Completed
> > autocommit of offsets {bulk-email-6=OffsetAndMetadata{offset=25463566,
> > metadata=''}} for group bulk-email-consumer
> > [2018-08-09 11:39:53] :: DEBUG ::
> > ConsumerCoordinator$OffsetCommitResponseHandler:640 - Group
> > bulk-email-consumer committed offset 25444488 for partition bulk-email-9
> > [2018-08-09 11:39:53] :: DEBUG :: ConsumerCoordinator$4:539 - Completed
> > autocommit of offsets {bulk-email-9=OffsetAndMetadata{offset=25444488,
> > metadata=''}} for group bulk-email-consumer
> > [2018-08-09 11:39:54] :: DEBUG ::
> > AbstractCoordinator$HeartbeatResponseHandler:694 - Received successful
> > heartbeat response for group bulk-email-consumer
> > [2018-08-09 11:39:54] :: DEBUG ::
> > AbstractCoordinator$HeartbeatResponseHandler:694 - Received successful
> > heartbeat response for group bulk-email-consumer
> > [2018-08-09 11:39:54] :: DEBUG ::
> > AbstractCoordinator$HeartbeatResponseHandler:694 - Received successful
> > heartbeat response for group bulk-email-consumer
> > [2018-08-09 11:39:54] :: DEBUG ::
> > AbstractCoordinator$HeartbeatResponseHandler:694 - Received successful
> > heartbeat response for group bulk-email-consumer
> > [2018-08-09 11:39:54] :: DEBUG ::
> > AbstractCoordinator$HeartbeatResponseHandler:694 - Received successful
> > heartbeat response for group bulk-email-consumer
> > [2018-08-09 11:39:54] :: DEBUG ::
> > AbstractCoordinator$HeartbeatResponseHandler:694 - Received successful
> > heartbeat response for group bulk-email-consumer
> > [2018-08-09 11:39:54] :: DEBUG ::
> > AbstractCoordinator$HeartbeatResponseHandler:694 - Received successful
> > heartbeat response for group bulk-email-consumer
> > [2018-08-09 11:39:54] :: DEBUG ::
> > AbstractCoordinator$HeartbeatResponseHandler:694 - Received successful
> > heartbeat response for group bulk-email-consumer
> > [2018-08-09 11:39:56] :: DEBUG ::
> > ConsumerCoordinator$OffsetCommitResponseHandler:640 - Group
> > bulk-email-consumer committed offset 25463566 for partition bulk-email-6
> > [2018-08-09 11:39:56] :: DEBUG ::
> > ConsumerCoordinator$OffsetCommitResponseHandler:640 - Group
> > bulk-email-consumer committed offset 25444488 for partition bulk-email-9
> > [2018-08-09 11:39:56] :: DEBUG ::
> > ConsumerCoordinator$OffsetCommitResponseHandler:640 - Group
> > bulk-email-consumer committed offset 25465113 for partition bulk-email-8
> > [2018-08-09 11:39:56] :: DEBUG :: ConsumerCoordinator$4:539 - Completed
> > autocommit of offsets {bulk-email-6=OffsetAndMetadata{offset=25463566,
> > metadata=''}} for group bulk-email-consumer
> > [2018-08-09 11:39:56] :: DEBUG :: ConsumerCoordinator$4:539 - Completed
> > autocommit of offsets {bulk-email-9=OffsetAndMetadata{offset=25444488,
> > metadata=''}} for group bulk-email-consumer
> > [2018-08-09 11:39:56] :: DEBUG :: ConsumerCoordinator$4:539 - Completed
> > autocommit of offsets {bulk-email-8=OffsetAndMetadata{offset=25465113,
> > metadata=''}} for group bulk-email-consumer
> > [2018-08-09 11:39:57] :: DEBUG ::
> > AbstractCoordinator$HeartbeatResponseHandler:694 - Received successful
> > heartbeat response for group bulk-email-consumer
> > [2018-08-09 11:39:57] :: DEBUG ::
> > AbstractCoordinator$HeartbeatResponseHandler:694 - Received successful
> > heartbeat response for group bulk-email-consumer
> > [2018-08-09 11:39:57] :: DEBUG ::
> > AbstractCoordinator$HeartbeatResponseHandler:694 - Received successful
> > heartbeat response for group bulk-email-consumer
> > [2018-08-09 11:39:57] :: DEBUG ::
> > AbstractCoordinator$HeartbeatResponseHandler:694 - Received successful
> > heartbeat response for group bulk-email-consumer
> > [2018-08-09 11:39:57] :: DEBUG ::
> > AbstractCoordinator$HeartbeatResponseHandler:694 - Received successful
> > heartbeat response for group bulk-email-consumer
> > [2018-08-09 11:39:57] :: DEBUG ::
> > AbstractCoordinator$HeartbeatResponseHandler:694 - Received successful
> > heartbeat response for group bulk-email-consumer
> > [2018-08-09 11:39:57] :: DEBUG ::
> > AbstractCoordinator$HeartbeatResponseHandler:694 - Received successful
> > heartbeat response for group bulk-email-consumer
> > [2018-08-09 11:39:57] :: DEBUG ::
> > AbstractCoordinator$HeartbeatResponseHandler:694 - Received successful
> > heartbeat response for group bulk-email-consumer
> > [2018-08-09 11:40:00] :: DEBUG ::
> > AbstractCoordinator$HeartbeatResponseHandler:694 - Received successful
> > heartbeat response for group bulk-email-consumer
> > [2018-08-09 11:40:00] :: DEBUG ::
> > AbstractCoordinator$HeartbeatResponseHandler:694 - Received successful
> > heartbeat response for group bulk-email-consumer
> > [2018-08-09 11:40:00] :: DEBUG ::
> > AbstractCoordinator$HeartbeatResponseHandler:694 - Received successful
> > heartbeat response for group bulk-email-consumer
> > [2018-08-09 11:40:03] :: DEBUG ::
> > AbstractCoordinator$HeartbeatResponseHandler:694 - Received successful
> > heartbeat response for group bulk-email-consumer
> > [2018-08-09 11:40:03] :: DEBUG ::
> > AbstractCoordinator$HeartbeatResponseHandler:694 - Received successful
> > heartbeat response for group bulk-email-consumer
> > [2018-08-09 11:40:03] :: DEBUG ::
> > AbstractCoordinator$HeartbeatResponseHandler:694 - Received successful
> > heartbeat response for group bulk-email-consumer
> > [2018-08-09 11:40:04] :: DEBUG ::
> > AbstractCoordinator$HeartbeatResponseHandler:694 - Received successful
> > heartbeat response for group bulk-email-consumer
> > [2018-08-09 11:40:04] :: DEBUG ::
> > AbstractCoordinator$HeartbeatResponseHandler:694 - Received successful
> > heartbeat response for group bulk-email-consumer
> > [2018-08-09 11:40:04] :: DEBUG ::
> > ConsumerCoordinator$OffsetCommitResponseHandler:664 - Offset commit for
> > group bulk-email-consumer failed: The request timed out.
> > [2018-08-09 11:40:04] :: INFO  :: AbstractCoordinator:600 - Marking the
> > coordinator (id: 2147483647 rack: null) dead for
> group
> > bulk-email-consumer
> > [2018-08-09 11:40:04] :: WARN  :: ConsumerCoordinator$4:535 - Auto offset
> > commit failed for group bulk-email-consumer: Offset commit failed with a
> > retriable exception. You should retry committing offsets.
> > [2018-08-09 11:40:04] :: DEBUG :: AbstractCoordinator:531 - Sending
> > coordinator request for group bulk-email-consumer to broker
> > (id: 1 rack: null)
> > [2018-08-09 11:40:04] :: DEBUG ::
> > AbstractCoordinator$HeartbeatResponseHandler:694 - Received successful
> > heartbeat response for group bulk-email-consumer
> > [2018-08-09 11:40:04] :: DEBUG ::
> > ConsumerCoordinator$OffsetCommitResponseHandler:664 - Offset commit for
> > group bulk-email-consumer failed: The request timed out.
> > [2018-08-09 11:40:04] :: INFO  :: AbstractCoordinator:600 - Marking the
> > coordinator (id: 2147483647 rack: null) dead for
> group
> > bulk-email-consumer
> > [2018-08-09 11:40:04] :: WARN  :: ConsumerCoordinator$4:535 - Auto offset
> > commit failed for group bulk-email-consumer: Offset commit failed with a
> > retriable exception. You should retry committing offsets.
> > [2018-08-09 11:40:04] :: DEBUG :: AbstractCoordinator:531 - Sending
> > coordinator request for group bulk-email-consumer to broker
> > (id: 2 rack: null)
> > [2018-08-09 11:40:04] :: DEBUG ::
> > AbstractCoordinator$HeartbeatResponseHandler:694 - Received successful
> > heartbeat response for group bulk-email-consumer
> > [2018-08-09 11:40:04] :: DEBUG ::
> > AbstractCoordinator$GroupCoordinatorResponseHandler:541 - Received group
> > coordinator response ClientResponse(receivedTimeMs=1533795004158,
> > disconnected=false, request=ClientRequest(expectResponse=true,
> > callback=org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.internals.
> > ConsumerNetworkClient$RequestFutureCompletionHandler@3a3e5740,
> > request=RequestSend(header={api_key=10,api_version=0,
> > correlation_id=389784,client_id=consumer-26},
> > body={group_id=bulk-email-consumer}), createdTimeMs=1533795004157,
> > sendTimeMs=1533795004157),
> > responseBody={error_code=0,coordinator={node_id=0,host=
> >,port=9092}})
> > [2018-08-09 11:40:04] :: INFO  ::
> > AbstractCoordinator$GroupCoordinatorResponseHandler:555 - Discovered
> > coordinator (id: 2147483647 rack: null) for group
> > bulk-emai -consumer.
> > [2018-08-09 11:40:04] :: DEBUG ::
> > AbstractCoordinator$HeartbeatResponseHandler:694 - Received successful
> > heartbeat response for group bulk-email-consumer
> > [2018-08-09 11:40:04] :: DEBUG ::
> > AbstractCoordinator$HeartbeatResponseHandler:694 - Received successful
> > heartbeat response for group bulk-email-consumer
> > [2018-08-09 11:40:04] :: DEBUG ::
> > ConsumerCoordinator$OffsetCommitResponseHandler:640 - Group
> > bulk-email-consumer committed offset 25463566 for partition bulk-email-6
> > [2018-08-09 11:40:04] :: DEBUG :: ConsumerCoordinator$4:539 - Completed
> > autocommit of offsets {bulk-email-6=OffsetAndMetadata{offset=25463566,
> > metadata=''}} for group bulk-email-consumer
> > [2018-08-09 11:40:04] :: DEBUG ::
> > AbstractCoordinator$GroupCoordinatorResponseHandler:541 - Received group
> > coordinator response ClientResponse(receivedTimeMs=1533795004718,
> > disconnected=false, request=ClientRequest(expectResponse=true,
> > callback=org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.internals.
> > ConsumerNetworkClient$RequestFutureCompletionHandler@66889bbd,
> > request=RequestSend(header={api_key=10,api_version=0,
> > correlation_id=363859,client_id=consumer-25},
> > body={group_id=bulk-email-consumer}), createdTimeMs=1533795004145,
> > sendTimeMs=1533795004145),
> > responseBody={error_code=0,coordinator={node_id=0,host=
> >,port=9092}})
> > [2018-08-09 11:40:04] :: INFO  ::
> > AbstractCoordinator$GroupCoordinatorResponseHandler:555 - Discovered
> > coordinator (id: 2147483647 rack: null) for group
> > bulk-emai -consumer.
> > [2018-08-09 11:40:04] :: DEBUG ::
> > AbstractCoordinator$HeartbeatResponseHandler:694 - Received successful
> > heartbeat response for group bulk-email-consumer
> > [2018-08-09 11:40:04] :: DEBUG ::
> > ConsumerCoordinator$OffsetCommitResponseHandler:640 - Group
> > bulk-email-consumer committed offset 25444488 for partition bulk-email-9
> > [2018-08-09 11:40:04] :: DEBUG ::
> > ConsumerCoordinator$OffsetCommitResponseHandler:640 - Group
> > bulk-email-consumer committed offset 25465113 for partition bulk-email-8
> > [2018-08-09 11:40:04] :: DEBUG :: ConsumerCoordinator$4:539 - Completed
> > autocommit of offsets {bulk-email-9=OffsetAndMetadata{offset=25444488,
> > metadata=''}} for group bulk-email-consumer
> > [2018-08-09 11:40:04] :: DEBUG :: ConsumerCoordinator$4:539 - Completed
> > autocommit of offsets {bulk-email-8=OffsetAndMetadata{offset=25465113,
> > metadata=''}} for group bulk-email-consumer
> > [2018-08-09 11:40:04] :: DEBUG ::
> > AbstractCoordinator$HeartbeatResponseHandler:694 - Received successful
> > heartbeat response for group bulk-email-consumer
> > [2018-08-09 11:40:04] :: DEBUG ::
> > AbstractCoordinator$HeartbeatResponseHandler:694 - Received successful
> > heartbeat response for group bulk-email-consumer
> > [2018-08-09 11:40:04] :: DEBUG ::
> > ConsumerCoordinator$OffsetCommitResponseHandler:640 - Group
> > bulk-email-consumer committed offset 25463566 for partition bulk-email-6
> > [2018-08-09 11:40:04] :: DEBUG :: ConsumerCoordinator$4:539 - Completed
> > autocommit of offsets {bulk-email-6=OffsetAndMetadata{offset=25463566,
> > metadata=''}} for group bulk-email-consumer
> > [2018-08-09 11:40:04] :: DEBUG ::
> > AbstractCoordinator$HeartbeatResponseHandler:694 - Received successful
> > heartbeat response for group bulk-email-consumer
> > [2018-08-09 11:40:04] :: DEBUG ::
> > ConsumerCoordinator$OffsetCommitResponseHandler:640 - Group
> > bulk-email-consumer committed offset 25465113 for partition bulk-email-8
> > [2018-08-09 11:40:04] :: DEBUG ::
> > ConsumerCoordinator$OffsetCommitResponseHandler:640 - Group
> > bulk-email-consumer committed offset 25444488 for partition bulk-email-9
> > [2018-08-09 11:40:04] :: DEBUG :: ConsumerCoordinator$4:539 - Completed
> > autocommit of offsets {bulk-email-8=OffsetAndMetadata{offset=25465113,
> > metadata=''}} for group bulk-email-consumer
> > [2018-08-09 11:40:04] :: DEBUG :: ConsumerCoordinator$4:539 - Completed
> > autocommit of offsets {bulk-email-9=OffsetAndMetadata{offset=25444488,
> > metadata=''}} for group bulk-email-consumer
> > [2018-08-09 11:40:05] :: DEBUG ::
> > ConsumerCoordinator$OffsetCommitResponseHandler:640 - Group
> > bulk-email-consumer committed offset 25463566 for partition bulk-email-6
> > [2018-08-09 11:40:05] :: DEBUG :: ConsumerCoordinator$4:539 - Completed
> > autocommit of offsets {bulk-email-6=OffsetAndMetadata{offset=25463566,
> > metadata=''}} for group bulk-email-consumer
> > [2018-08-09 11:40:06] :: DEBUG ::
> > AbstractCoordinator$HeartbeatResponseHandler:694 - Received successful
> > heartbeat response for group bulk-email-consumer
> > [2018-08-09 11:40:06] :: DEBUG ::
> > AbstractCoordinator$HeartbeatResponseHandler:694 - Received successful
> > heartbeat response for group bulk-email-consumer
> > [2018-08-09 11:40:06] :: DEBUG ::
> > AbstractCoordinator$HeartbeatResponseHandler:694 - Received successful
> > heartbeat response for group bulk-email-consumer
> > [2018-08-09 11:40:06] :: DEBUG ::
> > AbstractCoordinator$HeartbeatResponseHandler:694 - Received successful
> > heartbeat response for group bulk-email-consumer
> > [2018-08-09 11:40:06] :: DEBUG ::
> > AbstractCoordinator$HeartbeatResponseHandler:694 - Received successful
> > heartbeat response for group bulk-email-consumer
> > [2018-08-09 11:40:06] :: DEBUG ::
> > AbstractCoordinator$HeartbeatResponseHandler:694 - Received successful
> > heartbeat response for group bulk-email-consumer
> > [2018-08-09 11:40:07] :: DEBUG ::
> > AbstractCoordinator$HeartbeatResponseHandler:694 - Received successful
> > heartbeat response for group bulk-email-consumer
> > [2018-08-09 11:40:07] :: DEBUG ::
> > ConsumerCoordinator$OffsetCommitResponseHandler:640 - Group
> > bulk-email-consumer committed offset 25444488 for partition bulk-email-9
> > [2018-08-09 11:40:07] :: DEBUG :: ConsumerCoordinator$4:539 - Completed
> > autocommit of offsets {bulk-email-9=OffsetAndMetadata{offset=25444488,
> > metadata=''}} for group bulk-email-consumer
> > [2018-08-09 11:40:07] :: DEBUG ::
> > AbstractCoordinator$HeartbeatResponseHandler:694 - Received successful
> > heartbeat response for group bulk-email-consumer
> > [2018-08-09 11:40:07] :: DEBUG ::
> > ConsumerCoordinator$OffsetCommitResponseHandler:640 - Group
> > bulk-email-consumer committed offset 25465113 for partition bulk-email-8
> > [2018-08-09 11:40:07] :: DEBUG :: ConsumerCoordinator$4:539 - Completed
> > autocommit of offsets {bulk-email-8=OffsetAndMetadata{offset=25465113,
> > metadata=''}} for group bulk-email-consumer
> > [2018-08-09 11:40:08] :: DEBUG ::
> > ConsumerCoordinator$OffsetCommitResponseHandler:640 - Group
> > bulk-email-consumer committed offset 25463566 for partition bulk-email-6
> > [2018-08-09 11:40:08] :: DEBUG :: ConsumerCoordinator$4:539 - Completed
> > autocommit of offsets {bulk-email-6=OffsetAndMetadata{offset=25463566,
> > metadata=''}} for group bulk-email-consumer
> > [2018-08-09 11:40:09] :: DEBUG ::
> > AbstractCoordinator$HeartbeatResponseHandler:694 - Received successful
> > heartbeat response for group bulk-email-consumer
> > [2018-08-09 11:40:09] :: DEBUG ::
> > AbstractCoordinator$HeartbeatResponseHandler:694 - Received successful
> > heartbeat response for group bulk-email-consumer
> > [2018-08-09 11:40:09] :: DEBUG ::
> > AbstractCoordinator$HeartbeatResponseHandler:694 - Received successful
> > heartbeat response for group bulk-email-consumer
> > [2018-08-09 11:40:09] :: DEBUG ::
> > AbstractCoordinator$HeartbeatResponseHandler:694 - Received successful
> > heartbeat response for group bulk-email-consumer
> > [2018-08-09 11:40:09] :: DEBUG ::
> > AbstractCoordinator$HeartbeatResponseHandler:694 - Received successful
> > heartbeat response for group bulk-email-consumer
> > [2018-08-09 11:40:09] :: DEBUG ::
> > AbstractCoordinator$HeartbeatResponseHandler:694 - Received successful
> > heartbeat response for group bulk-email-consumer
> > [2018-08-09 11:40:10] :: DEBUG ::
> > AbstractCoordinator$HeartbeatResponseHandler:694 - Received successful
> > heartbeat response for group bulk-email-consumer
> > [2018-08-09 11:40:10] :: DEBUG ::
> > ConsumerCoordinator$OffsetCommitResponseHandler:640 - Group
> > bulk-email-consumer committed offset 25444488 for partition bulk-email-9
> > [2018-08-09 11:40:10] :: DEBUG :: ConsumerCoordinator$4:539 - Completed
> > autocommit of offsets {bulk-email-9=OffsetAndMetadata{offset=25444488,
> > metadata=''}} for group bulk-email-consumer
> > [2018-08-09 11:40:10] :: DEBUG ::
> > ConsumerCoordinator$OffsetCommitResponseHandler:640 - Group
> > bulk-email-consumer committed offset 25465113 for partition bulk-email-8
> > [2018-08-09 11:40:10] :: DEBUG :: ConsumerCoordinator$4:539 - Completed
> > autocommit of offsets {bulk-email-8=OffsetAndMetadata{offset=25465113,
> > metadata=''}} for group bulk-email-consumer
> > [2018-08-09 11:40:10] :: DEBUG ::
> > AbstractCoordinator$HeartbeatResponseHandler:694 - Received successful
> > heartbeat response for group bulk-email-consumer
> > [2018-08-09 11:40:11] :: DEBUG ::
> > ConsumerCoordinator$OffsetCommitResponseHandler:640 - Group
> > bulk-email-consumer committed offset 25463566 for partition bulk-email-6
> > [2018-08-09 11:40:11] :: DEBUG :: ConsumerCoordinator$4:539 - Completed
> > autocommit of offsets {bulk-email-6=OffsetAndMetadata{offset=25463566,
> > metadata=''}} for group bulk-email-consumer
> > [2018-08-09 11:40:12] :: DEBUG ::
> > AbstractCoordinator$HeartbeatResponseHandler:694 - Received successful
> > heartbeat response for group bulk-email-consumer
> > [2018-08-09 11:40:12] :: DEBUG ::
> > AbstractCoordinator$HeartbeatResponseHandler:694 - Received successful
> > heartbeat response for group bulk-email-consumer
> > [2018-08-09 11:40:12] :: DEBUG ::
> > AbstractCoordinator$HeartbeatResponseHandler:694 - Received successful
> > heartbeat response for group bulk-email-consumer
> > [2018-08-09 11:40:12] :: DEBUG ::
> > AbstractCoordinator$HeartbeatResponseHandler:694 - Received successful
> > heartbeat response for group bulk-email-consumer
> > [2018-08-09 11:40:12] :: DEBUG ::
> > AbstractCoordinator$HeartbeatResponseHandler:694 - Received successful
> > heartbeat response for group bulk-email-consumer
> > [2018-08-09 11:40:12] :: DEBUG ::
> > AbstractCoordinator$HeartbeatResponseHandler:694 - Received successful
> > heartbeat response for group bulk-email-consumer
> > [2018-08-09 11:40:13] :: DEBUG ::
> > ConsumerCoordinator$OffsetCommitResponseHandler:640 - Group
> > bulk-email-consumer committed offset 25444488 for partition bulk-email-9
> > [2018-08-09 11:40:13] :: DEBUG :: ConsumerCoordinator$4:539 - Completed
> > autocommit of offsets {bulk-email-9=OffsetAndMetadata{offset=25444488,
> > metadata=''}} for group bulk-email-consumer
> > [2018-08-09 11:40:13] :: DEBUG ::
> > AbstractCoordinator$HeartbeatResponseHandler:694 - Received successful
> > heartbeat response for group bulk-email-consumer
> > [2018-08-09 11:40:14] :: DEBUG ::
> > ConsumerCoordinator$OffsetCommitResponseHandler:640 - Group
> > bulk-email-consumer committed offset 25465113 for partition bulk-email-8
> > [2018-08-09 11:40:14] :: DEBUG ::
> > ConsumerCoordinator$OffsetCommitResponseHandler:640 - Group
> > bulk-email-consumer committed offset 25463566 for partition bulk-email-6
> > [2018-08-09 11:40:14] :: DEBUG :: ConsumerCoordinator$4:539 - Completed
> > autocommit of offsets {bulk-email-8=OffsetAndMetadata{offset=25465113,
> > metadata=''}} for group bulk-email-consumer
> > [2018-08-09 11:40:14] :: DEBUG :: ConsumerCoordinator$4:539 - Completed
> > autocommit of offsets {bulk-email-6=OffsetAndMetadata{offset=25463566,
> > metadata=''}} for group bulk-email-consumer
> > [2018-08-09 11:40:14] :: DEBUG ::
> > AbstractCoordinator$HeartbeatResponseHandler:694 - Received successful
> > heartbeat response for group bulk-email-consumer
> > [2018-08-09 11:40:15] :: DEBUG ::
> > AbstractCoordinator$HeartbeatResponseHandler:694 - Received successful
> > heartbeat response for group bulk-email-consumer
> > [2018-08-09 11:40:15] :: DEBUG ::
> > AbstractCoordinator$HeartbeatResponseHandler:694 - Received successful
> > heartbeat response for group bulk-email-consumer
> > [2018-08-09 11:40:15] :: DEBUG ::
> > AbstractCoordinator$HeartbeatResponseHandler:694 - Received successful
> > heartbeat response for group bulk-email-consumer
> > [2018-08-09 11:40:15] :: DEBUG ::
> > AbstractCoordinator$HeartbeatResponseHandler:694 - Received successful
> > heartbeat response for group bulk-email-consumer
> > [2018-08-09 11:40:15] :: DEBUG ::
> > AbstractCoordinator$HeartbeatResponseHandler:694 - Received successful
> > heartbeat response for group bulk-email-consumer
> > [2018-08-09 11:40:15] :: DEBUG ::
> > AbstractCoordinator$HeartbeatResponseHandler:694 - Received successful
> > heartbeat response for group bulk-email-consumer
> > [2018-08-09 11:40:16] :: DEBUG ::
> > ConsumerCoordinator$OffsetCommitResponseHandler:640 - Group
> > bulk-email-consumer committed offset 25444488 for partition bulk-email-9
> > [2018-08-09 11:40:16] :: DEBUG :: ConsumerCoordinator$4:539 - Completed
> > autocommit of offsets {bulk-email-9=OffsetAndMetadata{offset=25444488,
> > metadata=''}} for group bulk-email-consumer
> > [2018-08-09 11:40:16] :: DEBUG ::
> > AbstractCoordinator$HeartbeatResponseHandler:694 - Received successful
> > heartbeat response for group bulk-email-consumer
> > [2018-08-09 11:40:16] :: DEBUG ::
> > ConsumerCoordinator$OffsetCommitResponseHandler:640 - Group
> > bulk-email-consumer committed offset 25465113 for partition bulk-email-8
> > [2018-08-09 11:40:16] :: DEBUG :: ConsumerCoordinator$4:539 - Completed
> > autocommit of offsets {bulk-email-8=OffsetAndMetadata{offset=25465113,
> > metadata=''}} for group bulk-email-consumer
> > [2018-08-09 11:40:16] :: DEBUG ::
> > AbstractCoordinator$HeartbeatResponseHandler:694 - Received successful
> > heartbeat response for group bulk-email-consumer
> > [2018-08-09 11:40:17] :: DEBUG ::
> > ConsumerCoordinator$OffsetCommitResponseHandler:640 - Group
> > bulk-email-consumer committed offset 25463566 for partition bulk-email-6
> > [2018-08-09 11:40:17] :: DEBUG :: ConsumerCoordinator$4:539 - Completed
> > autocommit of offsets {bulk-email-6=OffsetAndMetadata{offset=25463566,
> > metadata=''}} for group bulk-email-consumer
> > [2018-08-09 11:40:18] :: DEBUG ::
> > AbstractCoordinator$HeartbeatResponseHandler:694 - Received successful
> > heartbeat response for group bulk-email-consumer
> > [2018-08-09 11:40:18] :: DEBUG ::
> > AbstractCoordinator$HeartbeatResponseHandler:694 - Received successful
> > heartbeat response for group bulk-email-consumer
> > [2018-08-09 11:40:18] :: DEBUG ::
> > AbstractCoordinator$HeartbeatResponseHandler:694 - Received successful
> > heartbeat response for group bulk-email-consumer
> > [2018-08-09 11:40:18] :: DEBUG ::
> > AbstractCoordinator$HeartbeatResponseHandler:694 - Received successful
> > heartbeat response for group bulk-email-consumer
> > [2018-08-09 11:40:18] :: DEBUG ::
> > AbstractCoordinator$HeartbeatResponseHandler:694 - Received successful
> > heartbeat response for group bulk-email-consumer
> > [2018-08-09 11:40:18] :: DEBUG ::
> > AbstractCoordinator$HeartbeatResponseHandler:694 - Received successful
> > heartbeat response for group bulk-email-consumer
> > [2018-08-09 11:40:19] :: DEBUG ::
> > ConsumerCoordinator$OffsetCommitResponseHandler:640 - Group
> > bulk-email-consumer committed offset 25444488 for partition bulk-email-9
> > [2018-08-09 11:40:19] :: DEBUG :: ConsumerCoordinator$4:539 - Completed
> > autocommit of offsets {bulk-email-9=OffsetAndMetadata{offset=25444488,
> > metadata=''}} for group bulk-email-consumer
> > [2018-08-09 11:40:19] :: DEBUG ::
> > AbstractCoordinator$HeartbeatResponseHandler:694 - Received successful
> > heartbeat response for group bulk-email-consumer
> > [2018-08-09 11:40:19] :: DEBUG ::
> > ConsumerCoordinator$OffsetCommitResponseHandler:640 - Group
> > bulk-email-consumer committed offset 25465113 for partition bulk-email-8
> > [2018-08-09 11:40:19] :: DEBUG :: ConsumerCoordinator$4:539 - Completed
> > autocommit of offsets {bulk-email-8=OffsetAndMetadata{offset=25465113,
> > metadata=''}} for group bulk-email-consumer
> > [2018-08-09 11:40:19] :: DEBUG ::
> > AbstractCoordinator$HeartbeatResponseHandler:694 - Received successful
> > heartbeat response for group bulk-email-consumer
> > [2018-08-09 11:40:20] :: DEBUG ::
> > ConsumerCoordinator$OffsetCommitResponseHandler:640 - Group
> > bulk-email-consumer committed offset 25463566 for partition bulk-email-6
> > [2018-08-09 11:40:20] :: DEBUG :: ConsumerCoordinator$4:539 - Completed
> > autocommit of offsets {bulk-email-6=OffsetAndMetadata{offset=25463566,
> > metadata=''}} for group bulk-email-consumer
> > [2018-08-09 11:40:21] :: DEBUG ::
> > AbstractCoordinator$HeartbeatResponseHandler:703 - Attempt to heart beat
> > failed for group bulk-email-consumer since it is rebalancing.
> > [2018-08-09 11:40:21] :: DEBUG ::
> > AbstractCoordinator$HeartbeatResponseHandler:703 - Attempt to heart beat
> > failed for group bulk-email-consumer since it is rebalancing.
> > [2018-08-09 11:40:21] :: DEBUG ::
> > AbstractCoordinator$HeartbeatResponseHandler:703 - Attempt to heart beat
> > failed for group bulk-email-consumer since it is rebalancing.
> > [2018-08-09 11:40:21] :: DEBUG ::
> > AbstractCoordinator$HeartbeatResponseHandler:703 - Attempt to heart beat
> > failed for group bulk-email-consumer since it is rebalancing.
> > [2018-08-09 11:40:21] :: DEBUG ::
> > AbstractCoordinator$HeartbeatResponseHandler:703 - Attempt to heart beat
> > failed for group bulk-email-consumer since it is rebalancing.
> > [2018-08-09 11:40:21] :: DEBUG ::
> > AbstractCoordinator$HeartbeatResponseHandler:703 - Attempt to heart beat
> > failed for group bulk-email-consumer since it is rebalancing.
> > [2018-08-09 11:40:21] :: DEBUG ::
> > ConsumerCoordinator$OffsetCommitResponseHandler:640 - Group
> > bulk-email-consumer committed offset 25463566 for partition bulk-email-6
> > [2018-08-09 11:40:21] :: INFO  :: ConsumerCoordinator:333 - Revoking
> > previously assigned partitions [bulk-email-6] for group
> bulk-email-consumer
> > [2018-08-09 11:40:21] :: INFO  :: AbstractCoordinator:381 - (Re-)joining
> > group bulk-email-consumer
> > [2018-08-09 11:40:21] :: DEBUG :: AbstractCoordinator:390 - Sending
> > JoinGroup
> > ({group_id=bulk-email-consumer,session_timeout=300000,rebalance_timeout=
> > 300000,member_id=consumer-23-bdc073b6-1f90-4ac5-a801-
> > 869377f9ead1,protocol_type=consumer,group_protocols=[{
> > protocol_name=range,protocol_metadata=java.nio.HeapByteBuffer[pos=0
> > lim=22 cap=22]}]}) to coordinator (id: 2147483647
> > rack:
> > null)
> > [2018-08-09 11:40:22] :: DEBUG ::
> > ConsumerCoordinator$OffsetCommitResponseHandler:640 - Group
> > bulk-email-consumer committed offset 25444488 for partition bulk-email-9
> > [2018-08-09 11:40:22] :: DEBUG :: ConsumerCoordinator$4:539 - Completed
> > autocommit of offsets {bulk-email-9=OffsetAndMetadata{offset=25444488,
> > metadata=''}} for group bulk-email-consumer
> > [2018-08-09 11:40:22] :: DEBUG ::
> > ConsumerCoordinator$OffsetCommitResponseHandler:640 - Group
> > bulk-email-consumer committed offset 25465113 for partition bulk-email-8
> > [2018-08-09 11:40:22] :: DEBUG :: ConsumerCoordinator$4:539 - Completed
> > autocommit of offsets {bulk-email-8=OffsetAndMetadata{offset=25465113,
> > metadata=''}} for group bulk-email-consumer
> > [2018-08-09 11:40:22] :: DEBUG ::
> > AbstractCoordinator$HeartbeatResponseHandler:703 - Attempt to heart beat
> > failed for group bulk-email-consumer since it is rebalancing.
> > [2018-08-09 11:40:22] :: DEBUG ::
> > AbstractCoordinator$HeartbeatResponseHandler:703 - Attempt to heart beat
> > failed for group bulk-email-consumer since it is rebalancing.
> > [2018-08-09 11:40:22] :: DEBUG ::
> > ConsumerCoordinator$OffsetCommitResponseHandler:640 - Group
> > bulk-email-consumer committed offset 25444488 for partition bulk-email-9
> > [2018-08-09 11:40:22] :: INFO  :: ConsumerCoordinator:333 - Revoking
> > previously assigned partitions [bulk-email-9] for group
> bulk-email-consumer
> > [2018-08-09 11:40:22] :: INFO  :: AbstractCoordinator:381 - (Re-)joining
> > group bulk-email-consumer
> > [2018-08-09 11:40:22] :: DEBUG :: AbstractCoordinator:390 - Sending
> > JoinGroup
> > ({group_id=bulk-email-consumer,session_timeout=300000,rebalance_timeout=
> > 300000,member_id=consumer-26-f5a1293d-7d14-4519-8378-
> > 1c4dd363ba09,protocol_type=consumer,group_protocols=[{
> > protocol_name=range,protocol_metadata=java.nio.HeapByteBuffer[pos=0
> > lim=22 cap=22]}]}) to coordinator (id: 2147483647
> > rack:
> > null)
> > [2018-08-09 11:40:22] :: DEBUG ::
> > ConsumerCoordinator$OffsetCommitResponseHandler:640 - Group
> > bulk-email-consumer committed offset 25465113 for partition bulk-email-8
> > [2018-08-09 11:40:23] :: INFO  :: ConsumerCoordinator:333 - Revoking
> > previously assigned partitions [bulk-email-8] for group
> bulk-email-consumer
> > [2018-08-09 11:40:23] :: INFO  :: AbstractCoordinator:381 - (Re-)joining
> > group bulk-email-consumer
> > [2018-08-09 11:40:23] :: DEBUG :: AbstractCoordinator:390 - Sending
> > JoinGroup
> > ({group_id=bulk-email-consumer,session_timeout=300000,rebalance_timeout=
> > 300000,member_id=consumer-25-fa10026f-031e-49aa-9df1-
> > 9d083b256ffa,protocol_type=consumer,group_protocols=[{
> > protocol_name=range,protocol_metadata=java.nio.HeapByteBuffer[pos=0
> > lim=22 cap=22]}]}) to coordinator (id: 2147483647
> > rack:
> > null)
> > [2018-08-09 11:40:24] :: DEBUG ::
> > AbstractCoordinator$HeartbeatResponseHandler:703 - Attempt to heart beat
> > failed for group bulk-email-consumer since it is rebalancing.
> > [2018-08-09 11:40:24] :: DEBUG ::
> > AbstractCoordinator$HeartbeatResponseHandler:703 - Attempt to heart beat
> > failed for group bulk-email-consumer since it is rebalancing.
> > [2018-08-09 11:40:24] :: DEBUG ::
> > AbstractCoordinator$HeartbeatResponseHandler:703 - Attempt to heart beat
> > failed for group bulk-email-consumer since it is rebalancing.
> > [2018-08-09 11:40:24] :: DEBUG ::
> > AbstractCoordinator$HeartbeatResponseHandler:703 - Attempt to heart beat
> > failed for group bulk-email-consumer since it is rebalancing.
> > [2018-08-09 11:40:24] :: DEBUG ::
> > AbstractCoordinator$HeartbeatResponseHandler:703 - Attempt to heart beat
> > failed for group bulk-email-consumer since it is rebalancing.
> > [2018-08-09 11:40:26] :: DEBUG ::
> NetworkClient$DefaultMetadataUpdater:640
> > - Sending metadata request {topics=[bulk-email]} to node 1
> > [2018-08-09 11:40:26] :: DEBUG :: Metadata  :241 - Updated cluster
> metadata
> > version 642 to Cluster(id = 09FjKmqPQvat0c0dyPptIw, nodes = [
> > (id: 2 rack: null), (id: 0 rack:
> > null), (id: 1 rack: null)], partitions =
> > [Partition(topic = bulk-email, partition = 8, leader = 2, replicas =
> > [0,1,2,], isr = [0,2,1,]), Partition(topic = bulk-email, partition = 7,
> > leader = 1, replicas = [0,1,2,], isr = [1,0,2,]), Partition(topic =
> > bulk-email, partition = 9, leader = 0, replicas = [0,1,2,], isr =
> > [0,1,2,]), Partition(topic = bulk-email, partition = 4, leader = 1,
> > replicas = [0,1,2,], isr = [1,0,2,]), Partition(topic = bulk-email,
> > partition = 3, leader = 0, replicas = [0,1,2,], isr = [0,1,2,]),
> > Partition(topic = bulk-email, partition = 6, leader = 0, replicas =
> > [0,1,2,], isr = [0,1,2,]), Partition(topic = bulk-email, partition = 5,
> > leader = 2, replicas = [0,1,2,], isr = [2,0,1,]), Partition(topic =
> > bulk-email, partition = 0, leader = 0, replicas = [0,1,2,], isr =
> > [0,1,2,]), Partition(topic = bulk-email, partition = 2, leader = 2,
> > replicas = [0,1,2,], isr = [2,0,1,]), Partition(topic = bulk-email,
> > partition = 1, leader = 1, replicas = [0,1,2,], isr = [1,0,2,])])
> > [2018-08-09 11:40:27] :: DEBUG ::
> > AbstractCoordinator$HeartbeatResponseHandler:703 - Attempt to heart beat
> > failed for group bulk-email-consumer since it is rebalancing.
> > [2018-08-09 11:40:27] :: DEBUG ::
> > AbstractCoordinator$HeartbeatResponseHandler:703 - Attempt to heart beat
> > failed for group bulk-email-consumer since it is rebalancing.
> > [2018-08-09 11:40:27] :: DEBUG ::
> > AbstractCoordinator$HeartbeatResponseHandler:703 - Attempt to heart beat
> > failed for group bulk-email-consumer since it is rebalancing.
> > [2018-08-09 11:40:27] :: DEBUG ::
> > AbstractCoordinator$HeartbeatResponseHandler:703 - Attempt to heart beat
> > failed for group bulk-email-consumer since it is rebalancing.
> > [2018-08-09 11:40:27] :: DEBUG ::
> > AbstractCoordinator$HeartbeatResponseHandler:703 - Attempt to heart beat
> > failed for group bulk-email-consumer since it is rebalancing.
> > [2018-08-09 11:40:28] :: DEBUG ::
> NetworkClient$DefaultMetadataUpdater:640
> > - Sending metadata request {topics=[bulk-email]} to node 1
> > [2018-08-09 11:40:28] :: DEBUG :: Metadata  :241 - Updated cluster
> metadata
> > version 641 to Cluster(id = 09FjKmqPQvat0c0dyPptIw, nodes = [
> > (id: 0 rack: null), (id: 2 rack:
> > null), (id: 1 rack: null)], partitions =
> > [Partition(topic = bulk-email, partition = 8, leader = 2, replicas =
> > [0,1,2,], isr = [0,2,1,]), Partition(topic = bulk-email, partition = 7,
> > leader = 1, replicas = [0,1,2,], isr = [1,0,2,]), Partition(topic =
> > bulk-email, partition = 9, leader = 0, replicas = [0,1,2,], isr =
> > [0,1,2,]), Partition(topic = bulk-email, partition = 4, leader = 1,
> > replicas = [0,1,2,], isr = [1,0,2,]), Partition(topic = bulk-email,
> > partition = 3, leader = 0, replicas = [0,1,2,], isr = [0,1,2,]),
> > Partition(topic = bulk-email, partition = 6, leader = 0, replicas =
> > [0,1,2,], isr = [0,1,2,]), Partition(topic = bulk-email, partition = 5,
> > leader = 2, replicas = [0,1,2,], isr = [2,0,1,]), Partition(topic =
> > bulk-email, partition = 0, leader = 0, replicas = [0,1,2,], isr =
> > [0,1,2,]), Partition(topic = bulk-email, partition = 2, leader = 2,
> > replicas = [0,1,2,], isr = [2,0,1,]), Partition(topic = bulk-email,
> > partition = 1, leader = 1, replicas = [0,1,2,], isr = [1,0,2,])])
> > [2018-08-09 11:40:30] :: DEBUG ::
> > AbstractCoordinator$HeartbeatResponseHandler:703 - Attempt to heart beat
> > failed for group bulk-email-consumer since it is rebalancing.
> > [2018-08-09 11:40:30] :: DEBUG ::
> > AbstractCoordinator$HeartbeatResponseHandler:703 - Attempt to heart beat
> > failed for group bulk-email-consumer since it is rebalancing.
> > [2018-08-09 11:40:30] :: DEBUG ::
> > AbstractCoordinator$HeartbeatResponseHandler:703 - Attempt to heart beat
> > failed for group bulk-email-consumer since it is rebalancing.
> > [2018-08-09 11:40:30] :: DEBUG ::
> > AbstractCoordinator$HeartbeatResponseHandler:703 - Attempt to heart beat
> > failed for group bulk-email-consumer since it is rebalancing.
> > [2018-08-09 11:40:31] :: DEBUG ::
> > AbstractCoordinator$HeartbeatResponseHandler:703 - Attempt to heart beat
> > failed for group bulk-email-consumer since it is rebalancing.
> > [2018-08-09 11:40:33] :: DEBUG ::
> > AbstractCoordinator$HeartbeatResponseHandler:703 - Attempt to heart beat
> > failed for group bulk-email-consumer since it is rebalancing.
> > [2018-08-09 11:40:33] :: DEBUG ::
> > AbstractCoordinator$HeartbeatResponseHandler:703 - Attempt to heart beat
> > failed for group bulk-email-consumer since it is rebalancing.
> > [2018-08-09 11:40:33] :: DEBUG ::
> > AbstractCoordinator$HeartbeatResponseHandler:703 - Attempt to heart beat
> > failed for group bulk-email-consumer since it is rebalancing.
> > [2018-08-09 11:40:33] :: DEBUG ::
> > AbstractCoordinator$HeartbeatResponseHandler:703 - Attempt to heart beat
> > failed for group bulk-email-consumer since it is rebalancing.
> > [2018-08-09 11:40:33] :: DEBUG ::
> > AbstractCoordinator$HeartbeatResponseHandler:703 - Attempt to heart beat
> > failed for group bulk-email-consumer since it is rebalancing.
> > [2018-08-09 11:40:34] :: DEBUG ::
> NetworkClient$DefaultMetadataUpdater:640
> > - Sending metadata request {topics=[bulk-email]} to node 1
> > [2018-08-09 11:40:34] :: DEBUG :: Metadata  :241 - Updated cluster
> metadata
> > version 646 to Cluster(id = 09FjKmqPQvat0c0dyPptIw, nodes = [
> > (id: 1 rack: null), (id: 0 rack:
> > null), (id: 2 rack: null)], partitions =
> > [Partition(topic = bulk-email, partition = 8, leader = 2, replicas =
> > [0,1,2,], isr = [0,2,1,]), Partition(topic = bulk-email, partition = 7,
> > leader = 1, replicas = [0,1,2,], isr = [1,0,2,]), Partition(topic =
> > bulk-email, partition = 9, leader = 0, replicas = [0,1,2,], isr =
> > [0,1,2,]), Partition(topic = bulk-email, partition = 4, leader = 1,
> > replicas = [0,1,2,], isr = [1,0,2,]), Partition(topic = bulk-email,
> > partition = 3, leader = 0, replicas = [0,1,2,], isr = [0,1,2,]),
> > Partition(topic = bulk-email, partition = 6, leader = 0, replicas =
> > [0,1,2,], isr = [0,1,2,]), Partition(topic = bulk-email, partition = 5,
> > leader = 2, replicas = [0,1,2,], isr = [2,0,1,]), Partition(topic =
> > bulk-email, partition = 0, leader = 0, replicas = [0,1,2,], isr =
> > [0,1,2,]), Partition(topic = bulk-email, partition = 2, leader = 2,
> > replicas = [0,1,2,], isr = [2,0,1,]), Partition(topic = bulk-email,
> > partition = 1, leader = 1, replicas = [0,1,2,], isr = [1,0,2,])])
> > [2018-08-09 11:40:36] :: DEBUG ::
> > AbstractCoordinator$HeartbeatResponseHandler:703 - Attempt to heart beat
> > failed for group bulk-email-consumer since it is rebalancing.
> > [2018-08-09 11:40:36] :: DEBUG ::
> > AbstractCoordinator$HeartbeatResponseHandler:703 - Attempt to heart beat
> > failed for group bulk-email-consumer since it is rebalancing.
> > [2018-08-09 11:40:36] :: DEBUG ::
> > AbstractCoordinator$HeartbeatResponseHandler:703 - Attempt to heart beat
> > failed for group bulk-email-consumer since it is rebalancing.
> > [2018-08-09 11:40:36] :: DEBUG ::
> > AbstractCoordinator$HeartbeatResponseHandler:703 - Attempt to heart beat
> > failed for group bulk-email-consumer since it is rebalancing.
> > [2018-08-09 11:40:36] :: DEBUG ::
> > AbstractCoordinator$HeartbeatResponseHandler:703 - Attempt to heart beat
> > failed for group bulk-email-consumer since it is rebalancing.
> > [2018-08-09 11:40:39] :: DEBUG ::
> > AbstractCoordinator$HeartbeatResponseHandler:703 - Attempt to heart beat
> > failed for group bulk-email-consumer since it is rebalancing.
> > [2018-08-09 11:40:39] :: DEBUG ::
> > AbstractCoordinator$HeartbeatResponseHandler:703 - Attempt to heart beat
> > failed for group bulk-email-consumer since it is rebalancing.
> > [2018-08-09 11:40:39] :: DEBUG ::
> > AbstractCoordinator$HeartbeatResponseHandler:703 - Attempt to heart beat
> > failed for group bulk-email-consumer since it is rebalancing.
> > [2018-08-09 11:40:39] :: DEBUG ::
> > AbstractCoordinator$HeartbeatResponseHandler:703 - Attempt to heart beat
> > failed for group bulk-email-consumer since it is rebalancing.
> > [2018-08-09 11:40:39] :: DEBUG ::
> > AbstractCoordinator$HeartbeatResponseHandler:703 - Attempt to heart beat
> > failed for group bulk-email-consumer since it is rebalancing.
> > [2018-08-09 11:40:42] :: DEBUG ::
> > AbstractCoordinator$HeartbeatResponseHandler:703 - Attempt to heart beat
> > failed for group bulk-email-consumer since it is rebalancing.
> > [2018-08-09 11:40:42] :: DEBUG ::
> > AbstractCoordinator$HeartbeatResponseHandler:703 - Attempt to heart beat
> > failed for group bulk-email-consumer since it is rebalancing.
> > [2018-08-09 11:40:42] :: DEBUG ::
> > AbstractCoordinator$HeartbeatResponseHandler:703 - Attempt to heart beat
> > failed for group bulk-email-consumer since it is rebalancing.
> > [2018-08-09 11:40:42] :: DEBUG ::
> > AbstractCoordinator$HeartbeatResponseHandler:703 - Attempt to heart beat
> > failed for group bulk-email-consumer since it is rebalancing.
> > [2018-08-09 11:40:42] :: DEBUG ::
> > AbstractCoordinator$HeartbeatResponseHandler:703 - Attempt to heart beat
> > failed for group bulk-email-consumer since it is rebalancing.
> > [2018-08-09 11:40:45] :: DEBUG ::
> > AbstractCoordinator$HeartbeatResponseHandler:703 - Attempt to heart beat
> > failed for group bulk-email-consumer since it is rebalancing.
> > [2018-08-09 11:40:45] :: DEBUG ::
> > AbstractCoordinator$HeartbeatResponseHandler:703 - Attempt to heart beat
> > failed for group bulk-email-consumer since it is rebalancing.
> > [2018-08-09 11:40:45] :: DEBUG ::
> > AbstractCoordinator$HeartbeatResponseHandler:703 - Attempt to heart beat
> > failed for group bulk-email-consumer since it is rebalancing.
> > [2018-08-09 11:40:45] :: DEBUG ::
> > AbstractCoordinator$HeartbeatResponseHandler:703 - Attempt to heart beat
> > failed for group bulk-email-consumer since it is rebalancing.
> > [2018-08-09 11:40:45] :: DEBUG ::
> > AbstractCoordinator$HeartbeatResponseHandler:703 - Attempt to heart beat
> > failed for group bulk-email-consumer since it is rebalancing.
> > [2018-08-09 11:40:48] :: DEBUG ::
> > AbstractCoordinator$HeartbeatResponseHandler:703 - Attempt to heart beat
> > failed for group bulk-email-consumer since it is rebalancing.
> > [2018-08-09 11:40:48] :: DEBUG ::
> > AbstractCoordinator$HeartbeatResponseHandler:703 - Attempt to heart beat
> > failed for group bulk-email-consumer since it is rebalancing.
> > [2018-08-09 11:40:48] :: DEBUG ::
> > AbstractCoordinator$HeartbeatResponseHandler:703 - Attempt to heart beat
> > failed for group bulk-email-consumer since it is rebalancing.
> > [2018-08-09 11:40:48] :: DEBUG ::
> > AbstractCoordinator$HeartbeatResponseHandler:703 - Attempt to heart beat
> > failed for group bulk-email-consumer since it is rebalancing.
> > [2018-08-09 11:40:48] :: DEBUG ::
> > AbstractCoordinator$HeartbeatResponseHandler:703 - Attempt to heart beat
> > failed for group bulk-email-consumer since it is rebalancing.
> > [2018-08-09 11:40:50] :: DEBUG :: ConsumerCoordinator$4:539 - Completed
> > autocommit of offsets {bulk-email-0=OffsetAndMetadata{offset=25390438,
> > metadata=''}, bulk-email-2=OffsetAndMetadata{offset=25368327,
> > metadata=''},
> > bulk-email-1=OffsetAndMetadata{offset=25369219, metadata=''}} for group
> > bulk-email-consumer
> > [2018-08-09 11:40:50] :: WARN  :: ConsumerCoordinator:554 - Auto offset
> > commit failed for group bulk-email-consumer: Commit cannot be completed
> > since the group has already rebalanced and assigned the partitions to
> > another member. This means that the time between subsequent calls to
> poll()
> > was longer than the configured max.poll.interval.ms, which typically
> > implies that the poll loop is spending too much time message processing.
> > You can address this either by increasing the session timeout or by
> > reducing the maximum size of batches returned in poll() with
> > max.poll.records.
> > [2018-08-09 11:40:50] :: INFO  :: ConsumerCoordinator:333 - Revoking
> > previously assigned partitions [bulk-email-0, bulk-email-2, bulk-email-1]
> > for group bulk-email-consumer
> > [2018-08-09 11:40:50] :: INFO  :: AbstractCoordinator:381 - (Re-)joining
> > group bulk-email-consumer
> > [2018-08-09 11:40:50] :: DEBUG :: AbstractCoordinator:390 - Sending
> > JoinGroup
> > ({group_id=bulk-email-consumer,session_timeout=300000,rebalance_timeout=
> > 300000,member_id=,protocol_type=consumer,group_protocols=
> > [{protocol_name=range,protocol_metadata=java.nio.HeapByteBuffer[pos=0
> > lim=22 cap=22]}]}) to coordinator (id: 2147483647
> > rack:
> > null)
> > [2018-08-09 11:40:50] :: DEBUG ::
> NetworkClient$DefaultMetadataUpdater:640
> > - Sending metadata request {topics=[bulk-email]} to node 0
> > [2018-08-09 11:40:50] :: DEBUG ::
> > ConsumerNetworkClient$RequestFutureCompletionHandler:475 - Cancelled
> > LEAVE_GROUP request ClientRequest(expectResponse=true,
> > callback=org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.internals.
> > ConsumerNetworkClient$RequestFutureCompletionHandler@60f41e0b,
> > request=RequestSend(header={api_key=13,api_version=0,
> > correlation_id=349313,client_id=consumer-19},
> > body={group_id=bulk-email-consumer,member_id=consumer-
> > 19-34903180-9cb3-496d-a913-b782476d9a52}),
> > createdTimeMs=1533794419195, sendTimeMs=1533794419195) with correlation
> id
> > 349313 due to node 2147483647 being disconnected
> > [2018-08-09 11:40:50] :: INFO  :: AbstractCoordinator:600 - Marking the
> > coordinator (id: 2147483647 rack: null) dead for
> group
> > bulk-email-consumer
> > [2018-08-09 11:40:50] :: DEBUG ::
> > ConsumerNetworkClient$RequestFutureCompletionHandler:475 - Cancelled
> > JOIN_GROUP request ClientRequest(expectResponse=true,
> > callback=org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.internals.
> > ConsumerNetworkClient$RequestFutureCompletionHandler@3bd6f5c9,
> > request=RequestSend(header={api_key=11,api_version=1,
> > correlation_id=349314,client_id=consumer-19},
> > body={group_id=bulk-email-consumer,session_timeout=
> > 300000,rebalance_timeout=300000,member_id=,protocol_
> > type=consumer,group_protocols=[{protocol_name=range,
> > protocol_metadata=java.nio.HeapByteBuffer[pos=0
> > lim=22 cap=22]}]}), createdTimeMs=1533795050857, sendTimeMs=0) with
> > correlation id 349314 due to node 2147483647 being disconnected
> > [2018-08-09 11:40:50] :: INFO  :: AbstractCoordinator:600 - Marking the
> > coordinator (id: 2147483647 rack: null) dead for
> group
> > bulk-email-consumer
> > [2018-08-09 11:40:50] :: DEBUG :: AbstractCoordinator:531 - Sending
> > coordinator request for group bulk-email-consumer to broker
> > (id: 2 rack: null)
> > [2018-08-09 11:40:51] :: DEBUG ::
> NetworkClient$DefaultMetadataUpdater:640
> > - Sending metadata request {topics=[bulk-email]} to node 2
> > [2018-08-09 11:40:51] :: DEBUG :: Metadata  :241 - Updated cluster
> metadata
> > version 641 to Cluster(id = 09FjKmqPQvat0c0dyPptIw, nodes = [
> > (id: 1 rack: null), (id: 0 rack:
> > null), (id: 2 rack: null)], partitions =
> > [Partition(topic = bulk-email, partition = 8, leader = 2, replicas =
> > [0,1,2,], isr = [0,2,1,]), Partition(topic = bulk-email, partition = 7,
> > leader = 1, replicas = [0,1,2,], isr = [1,0,2,]), Partition(topic =
> > bulk-email, partition = 9, leader = 0, replicas = [0,1,2,], isr =
> > [0,1,2,]), Partition(topic = bulk-email, partition = 4, leader = 1,
> > replicas = [0,1,2,], isr = [1,0,2,]), Partition(topic = bulk-email,
> > partition = 3, leader = 0, replicas = [0,1,2,], isr = [0,1,2,]),
> > Partition(topic = bulk-email, partition = 6, leader = 0, replicas =
> > [0,1,2,], isr = [0,1,2,]), Partition(topic = bulk-email, partition = 5,
> > leader = 2, replicas = [0,1,2,], isr = [2,0,1,]), Partition(topic =
> > bulk-email, partition = 0, leader = 0, replicas = [0,1,2,], isr =
> > [0,1,2,]), Partition(topic = bulk-email, partition = 2, leader = 2,
> > replicas = [0,1,2,], isr = [2,0,1,]), Partition(topic = bulk-email,
> > partition = 1, leader = 1, replicas = [0,1,2,], isr = [1,0,2,])])
> > [2018-08-09 11:40:51] :: DEBUG ::
> > AbstractCoordinator$GroupCoordinatorResponseHandler:541 - Received group
> > coordinator response ClientResponse(receivedTimeMs=1533795051063,
> > disconnected=false, request=ClientRequest(expectResponse=true,
> > callback=org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.internals.
> > ConsumerNetworkClient$RequestFutureCompletionHandler@21a34a4e,
> > request=RequestSend(header={api_key=10,api_version=0,
> > correlation_id=349316,client_id=consumer-19},
> > body={group_id=bulk-email-consumer}), createdTimeMs=1533795050961,
> > sendTimeMs=1533795051061),
> > responseBody={error_code=0,coordinator={node_id=0,host=
> >,port=9092}})
> > [2018-08-09 11:40:51] :: INFO  ::
> > AbstractCoordinator$GroupCoordinatorResponseHandler:555 - Discovered
> > coordinator (id: 2147483647 rack: null) for group
> > bulk-emai -consumer.
> > [2018-08-09 11:40:51] :: INFO  :: AbstractCoordinator:381 - (Re-)joining
> > group bulk-email-consumer
> > [2018-08-09 11:40:51] :: DEBUG :: AbstractCoordinator:390 - Sending
> > JoinGroup
> > ({group_id=bulk-email-consumer,session_timeout=300000,rebalance_timeout=
> > 300000,member_id=,protocol_type=consumer,group_protocols=
> > [{protocol_name=range,protocol_metadata=java.nio.HeapByteBuffer[pos=0
> > lim=22 cap=22]}]}) to coordinator (id: 2147483647
> > rack:
> > null)
> > [2018-08-09 11:40:51] :: DEBUG ::
> > AbstractCoordinator$HeartbeatResponseHandler:703 - Attempt to heart beat
> > failed for group bulk-email-consumer since it is rebalancing.
> > [2018-08-09 11:40:51] :: DEBUG ::
> > AbstractCoordinator$HeartbeatResponseHandler:703 - Attempt to heart beat
> > failed for group bulk-email-consumer since it is rebalancing.
> > [2018-08-09 11:40:51] :: DEBUG ::
> > AbstractCoordinator$HeartbeatResponseHandler:703 - Attempt to heart beat
> > failed for group bulk-email-consumer since it is rebalancing.
> > [2018-08-09 11:40:51] :: DEBUG ::
> > AbstractCoordinator$HeartbeatResponseHandler:703 - Attempt to heart beat
> > failed for group bulk-email-consumer since it is rebalancing.
> > [2018-08-09 11:40:54] :: DEBUG ::
> > AbstractCoordinator$HeartbeatResponseHandler:703 - Attempt to heart beat
> > failed for group bulk-email-consumer since it is rebalancing.
> > [2018-08-09 11:40:54] :: DEBUG ::
> > AbstractCoordinator$HeartbeatResponseHandler:703 - Attempt to heart beat
> > failed for group bulk-email-consumer since it is rebalancing.
> > [2018-08-09 11:40:54] :: DEBUG ::
> > AbstractCoordinator$HeartbeatResponseHandler:703 - Attempt to heart beat
> > failed for group bulk-email-consumer since it is rebalancing.
> > [2018-08-09 11:40:54] :: DEBUG ::
> > AbstractCoordinator$HeartbeatResponseHandler:703 - Attempt to heart beat
> > failed for group bulk-email-consumer since it is rebalancing.
> > [2018-08-09 11:40:57] :: DEBUG ::
> > AbstractCoordinator$HeartbeatResponseHandler:703 - Attempt to heart beat
> > failed for group bulk-email-consumer since it is rebalancing.
> > [2018-08-09 11:40:57] :: DEBUG ::
> > AbstractCoordinator$HeartbeatResponseHandler:703 - Attempt to heart beat
> > failed for group bulk-email-consumer since it is rebalancing.
> > [2018-08-09 11:40:57] :: DEBUG ::
> > AbstractCoordinator$HeartbeatResponseHandler:703 - Attempt to heart beat
> > failed for group bulk-email-consumer since it is rebalancing.
> > [2018-08-09 11:40:57] :: DEBUG ::
> > AbstractCoordinator$HeartbeatResponseHandler:703 - Attempt to heart beat
> > failed for group bulk-email-consumer since it is rebalancing.
> > [2018-08-09 11:41:00] :: DEBUG ::
> > AbstractCoordinator$HeartbeatResponseHandler:703 - Attempt to heart beat
> > failed for group bulk-email-consumer since it is rebalancing.
> > [2018-08-09 11:41:00] :: DEBUG ::
> > AbstractCoordinator$HeartbeatResponseHandler:703 - Attempt to heart beat
> > failed for group bulk-email-consumer since it is rebalancing.
> > [2018-08-09 11:41:03] :: DEBUG ::
> > AbstractCoordinator$HeartbeatResponseHandler:703 - Attempt to heart beat
> > failed for group bulk-email-consumer since it is rebalancing.
> > [2018-08-09 11:41:03] :: DEBUG ::
> > AbstractCoordinator$HeartbeatResponseHandler:703 - Attempt to heart beat
> > failed for group bulk-email-consumer since it is rebalancing.
> > [2018-08-09 11:41:06] :: DEBUG ::
> > AbstractCoordinator$HeartbeatResponseHandler:703 - Attempt to heart beat
> > failed for group bulk-email-consumer since it is rebalancing.
> > [2018-08-09 11:41:06] :: DEBUG ::
> > AbstractCoordinator$HeartbeatResponseHandler:703 - Attempt to heart beat
> > failed for group bulk-email-consumer since it is rebalancing.
> > [2018-08-09 11:41:09] :: DEBUG ::
> > AbstractCoordinator$HeartbeatResponseHandler:703 - Attempt to heart beat
> > failed for group bulk-email-consumer since it is rebalancing.
> > [2018-08-09 11:41:09] :: DEBUG ::
> > AbstractCoordinator$HeartbeatResponseHandler:703 - Attempt to heart beat
> > failed for group bulk-email-consumer since it is rebalancing.
> > [2018-08-09 11:41:12] :: DEBUG ::
> > AbstractCoordinator$HeartbeatResponseHandler:703 - Attempt to heart beat
> > failed for group bulk-email-consumer since it is rebalancing.
> > [2018-08-09 11:41:15] :: DEBUG ::
> > AbstractCoordinator$HeartbeatResponseHandler:703 - Attempt to heart beat
> > failed for group bulk-email-consumer since it is rebalancing.
> > [2018-08-09 11:41:17] :: DEBUG ::
> > AbstractCoordinator$HeartbeatResponseHandler:703 - Attempt to heart beat
> > failed for group bulk-email-consumer since it is rebalancing.
> > [2018-08-09 11:41:17] :: DEBUG ::
> > AbstractCoordinator$HeartbeatResponseHandler:703 - Attempt to heart beat
> > failed for group bulk-email-consumer since it is rebalancing.
> > [2018-08-09 11:41:18] :: DEBUG ::
> > AbstractCoordinator$HeartbeatResponseHandler:703 - Attempt to heart beat
> > failed for group bulk-email-consumer since it is rebalancing.
> > [2018-08-09 11:41:18] :: DEBUG ::
> > AbstractCoordinator$HeartbeatResponseHandler:703 - Attempt to heart beat
> > failed for group bulk-email-consumer since it is rebalancing.
> > [2018-08-09 11:41:21] :: DEBUG ::
> > AbstractCoordinator$HeartbeatResponseHandler:703 - Attempt to heart beat
> > failed for group bulk-email-consumer since it is rebalancing.
> > [2018-08-09 11:41:21] :: DEBUG ::
> > AbstractCoordinator$HeartbeatResponseHandler:703 - Attempt to heart beat
> > failed for group bulk-email-consumer since it is rebalancing.
> > [2018-08-09 11:41:24] :: DEBUG ::
> > AbstractCoordinator$HeartbeatResponseHandler:703 - Attempt to heart beat
> > failed for group bulk-email-consumer since it is rebalancing.
> > [2018-08-09 11:41:24] :: DEBUG ::
> > AbstractCoordinator$HeartbeatResponseHandler:703 - Attempt to heart beat
> > failed for group bulk-email-consumer since it is rebalancing.
> > [2018-08-09 11:41:27] :: DEBUG ::
> > AbstractCoordinator$HeartbeatResponseHandler:703 - Attempt to heart beat
> > failed for group bulk-email-consumer since it is rebalancing.
> > [2018-08-09 11:41:27] :: DEBUG ::
> > AbstractCoordinator$HeartbeatResponseHandler:703 - Attempt to heart beat
> > failed for group bulk-email-consumer since it is rebalancing.
> > [2018-08-09 11:41:31] :: DEBUG ::
> > AbstractCoordinator$HeartbeatResponseHandler:703 - Attempt to heart beat
> > failed for group bulk-email-consumer since it is rebalancing.
> > [2018-08-09 11:41:31] :: DEBUG ::
> > AbstractCoordinator$HeartbeatResponseHandler:703 - Attempt to heart beat
> > failed for group bulk-email-consumer since it is rebalancing.
> > [2018-08-09 11:41:33] :: DEBUG ::
> > AbstractCoordinator$HeartbeatResponseHandler:703 - Attempt to heart beat
> > failed for group bulk-email-consumer since it is rebalancing.
> > [2018-08-09 11:41:33] :: DEBUG ::
> > AbstractCoordinator$HeartbeatResponseHandler:703 - Attempt to heart beat
> > failed for group bulk-email-consumer since it is rebalancing.
> > [2018-08-09 11:41:36] :: DEBUG ::
> > AbstractCoordinator$HeartbeatResponseHandler:703 - Attempt to heart beat
> > failed for group bulk-email-consumer since it is rebalancing.
> > [2018-08-09 11:41:36] :: DEBUG ::
> > AbstractCoordinator$HeartbeatResponseHandler:703 - Attempt to heart beat
> > failed for group bulk-email-consumer since it is rebalancing.
> > [2018-08-09 11:41:39] :: DEBUG ::
> > AbstractCoordinator$HeartbeatResponseHandler:703 - Attempt to heart beat
> > failed for group bulk-email-consumer since it is rebalancing.
> > [2018-08-09 11:41:39] :: DEBUG ::
> > AbstractCoordinator$HeartbeatResponseHandler:703 - Attempt to heart beat
> > failed for group bulk-email-consumer since it is rebalancing.
> > [2018-08-09 11:41:42] :: DEBUG ::
> > AbstractCoordinator$HeartbeatResponseHandler:703 - Attempt to heart beat
> > failed for group bulk-email-consumer since it is rebalancing.
> > [2018-08-09 11:41:42] :: DEBUG ::
> > AbstractCoordinator$HeartbeatResponseHandler:703 - Attempt to heart beat
> > failed for group bulk-email-consumer since it is rebalancing.
> > [2018-08-09 11:41:46] :: DEBUG ::
> > AbstractCoordinator$HeartbeatResponseHandler:703 - Attempt to heart beat
> > failed for group bulk-email-consumer since it is rebalancing.
> > [2018-08-09 11:41:46] :: DEBUG ::
> > AbstractCoordinator$HeartbeatResponseHandler:703 - Attempt to heart beat
> > failed for group bulk-email-consumer since it is rebalancing.
> > [2018-08-09 11:41:48] :: DEBUG ::
> > AbstractCoordinator$HeartbeatResponseHandler:703 - Attempt to heart beat
> > failed for group bulk-email-consumer since it is rebalancing.
> > [2018-08-09 11:41:48] :: DEBUG ::
> > AbstractCoordinator$HeartbeatResponseHandler:703 - Attempt to heart beat
> > failed for group bulk-email-consumer since it is rebalancing.
> > [2018-08-09 11:41:51] :: DEBUG ::
> > AbstractCoordinator$HeartbeatResponseHandler:703 - Attempt to heart beat
> > failed for group bulk-email-consumer since it is rebalancing.
> > [2018-08-09 11:41:51] :: DEBUG ::
> > AbstractCoordinator$HeartbeatResponseHandler:703 - Attempt to heart beat
> > failed for group bulk-email-consumer since it is rebalancing.
> > [2018-08-09 11:41:54] :: DEBUG ::
> > AbstractCoordinator$HeartbeatResponseHandler:703 - Attempt to heart beat
> > failed for group bulk-email-consumer since it is rebalancing.
> > [2018-08-09 11:41:54] :: DEBUG ::
> > AbstractCoordinator$HeartbeatResponseHandler:703 - Attempt to heart beat
> > failed for group bulk-email-consumer since it is rebalancing.
> > [2018-08-09 11:41:57] :: DEBUG ::
> > AbstractCoordinator$HeartbeatResponseHandler:703 - Attempt to heart beat
> > failed for group bulk-email-consumer since it is rebalancing.
> > [2018-08-09 11:41:57] :: DEBUG ::
> > AbstractCoordinator$HeartbeatResponseHandler:703 - Attempt to heart beat
> > failed for group bulk-email-consumer since it is rebalancing.
> > [2018-08-09 11:42:01] :: DEBUG ::
> > AbstractCoordinator$HeartbeatResponseHandler:703 - Attempt to heart beat
> > failed for group bulk-email-consumer since it is rebalancing.
> > [2018-08-09 11:42:03] :: DEBUG ::
> > AbstractCoordinator$HeartbeatResponseHandler:703 - Attempt to heart beat
> > failed for group bulk-email-consumer since it is rebalancing.
> > [2018-08-09 11:42:06] :: DEBUG ::
> > AbstractCoordinator$HeartbeatResponseHandler:703 - Attempt to heart beat
> > failed for group bulk-email-consumer since it is rebalancing.
> > [2018-08-09 11:42:09] :: DEBUG ::
> > AbstractCoordinator$HeartbeatResponseHandler:703 - Attempt to heart beat
> > failed for group bulk-email-consumer since it is rebalancing.
> > [2018-08-09 11:42:12] :: DEBUG ::
> > AbstractCoordinator$HeartbeatResponseHandler:703 - Attempt to heart beat
> > failed for group bulk-email-consumer since it is rebalancing.
> > [2018-08-09 11:42:15] :: DEBUG ::
> > AbstractCoordinator$HeartbeatResponseHandler:703 - Attempt to heart beat
> > failed for group bulk-email-consumer since it is rebalancing.
> > [2018-08-09 11:42:18] :: DEBUG ::
> > AbstractCoordinator$HeartbeatResponseHandler:703 - Attempt to heart beat
> > failed for group bulk-email-consumer since it is rebalancing.
> > [2018-08-09 11:42:21] :: DEBUG ::
> > AbstractCoordinator$HeartbeatResponseHandler:703 - Attempt to heart beat
> > failed for group bulk-email-consumer since it is rebalancing.
> > [2018-08-09 11:42:24] :: DEBUG ::
> > AbstractCoordinator$HeartbeatResponseHandler:703 - Attempt to heart beat
> > failed for group bulk-email-consumer since it is rebalancing.
> > [2018-08-09 11:42:27] :: DEBUG ::
> > AbstractCoordinator$HeartbeatResponseHandler:703 - Attempt to heart beat
> > failed for group bulk-email-consumer since it is rebalancing.
> > [2018-08-09 11:42:31] :: DEBUG ::
> > AbstractCoordinator$HeartbeatResponseHandler:703 - Attempt to heart beat
> > failed for group bulk-email-consumer since it is rebalancing.
> > [2018-08-09 11:42:34] :: DEBUG ::
> > AbstractCoordinator$HeartbeatResponseHandler:703 - Attempt to heart beat
> > failed for group bulk-email-consumer since it is rebalancing.
> > [2018-08-09 11:42:37] :: DEBUG ::
> > AbstractCoordinator$HeartbeatResponseHandler:703 - Attempt to heart beat
> > failed for group bulk-email-consumer since it is rebalancing.
> > [2018-08-09 11:42:40] :: DEBUG ::
> > AbstractCoordinator$HeartbeatResponseHandler:703 - Attempt to heart beat
> > failed for group bulk-email-consumer since it is rebalancing.
> > [2018-08-09 11:42:43] :: DEBUG ::
> > AbstractCoordinator$HeartbeatResponseHandler:703 - Attempt to heart beat
> > failed for group bulk-email-consumer since it is rebalancing.
> > [2018-08-09 11:42:46] :: DEBUG ::
> > AbstractCoordinator$HeartbeatResponseHandler:703 - Attempt to heart beat
> > failed for group bulk-email-consumer since it is rebalancing.
> > [2018-08-09 11:42:49] :: DEBUG ::
> > AbstractCoordinator$HeartbeatResponseHandler:703 - Attempt to heart beat
> > failed for group bulk-email-consumer since it is rebalancing.
> > [2018-08-09 11:42:52] :: DEBUG ::
> > AbstractCoordinator$HeartbeatResponseHandler:703 - Attempt to heart beat
> > failed for group bulk-email-consumer since it is rebalancing.
> > [2018-08-09 11:42:55] :: DEBUG ::
> > AbstractCoordinator$HeartbeatResponseHandler:703 - Attempt to heart beat
> > failed for group bulk-email-consumer since it is rebalancing.
> > [2018-08-09 11:42:58] :: DEBUG ::
> > AbstractCoordinator$HeartbeatResponseHandler:703 - Attempt to heart beat
> > failed for group bulk-email-consumer since it is rebalancing.
> > [2018-08-09 11:43:01] :: DEBUG ::
> > AbstractCoordinator$HeartbeatResponseHandler:703 - Attempt to heart beat
> > failed for group bulk-email-consumer since it is rebalancing.
> > [2018-08-09 11:43:04] :: DEBUG ::
> > AbstractCoordinator$HeartbeatResponseHandler:703 - Attempt to heart beat
> > failed for group bulk-email-consumer since it is rebalancing.
> > [2018-08-09 11:43:07] :: DEBUG ::
> > AbstractCoordinator$HeartbeatResponseHandler:703 - Attempt to heart beat
> > failed for group bulk-email-consumer since it is rebalancing.
> > [2018-08-09 11:43:10] :: DEBUG ::
> > AbstractCoordinator$HeartbeatResponseHandler:703 - Attempt to heart beat
> > failed for group bulk-email-consumer since it is rebalancing.
> > [2018-08-09 11:43:13] :: DEBUG ::
> > AbstractCoordinator$HeartbeatResponseHandler:703 - Attempt to heart beat
> > failed for group bulk-email-consumer since it is rebalancing.
> > [2018-08-09 11:43:16] :: DEBUG ::
> > AbstractCoordinator$HeartbeatResponseHandler:703 - Attempt to heart beat
> > failed for group bulk-email-consumer since it is rebalancing.
> > [2018-08-09 11:43:19] :: DEBUG ::
> > AbstractCoordinator$HeartbeatResponseHandler:703 - Attempt to heart beat
> > failed for group bulk-email-consumer since it is rebalancing.
> > [2018-08-09 11:43:22] :: DEBUG ::
> > AbstractCoordinator$HeartbeatResponseHandler:703 - Attempt to heart beat
> > failed for group bulk-email-consumer since it is rebalancing.
> > [2018-08-09 11:43:25] :: DEBUG ::
> > AbstractCoordinator$HeartbeatResponseHandler:703 - Attempt to heart beat
> > failed for group bulk-email-consumer since it is rebalancing.
> > [2018-08-09 11:43:26] :: DEBUG ::
> > AbstractCoordinator$JoinGroupResponseHandler:406 - Received successful
> > join
> > group response for group bulk-email-consumer:
> > {error_code=0,generation_id=1225,group_protocol=range,
> > leader_id=consumer-23-bdc073b6-1f90-4ac5-a801-869377f9ead1,member_id=
> > consumer-26-f5a1293d-7d14-4519-8378-1c4dd363ba09,members=[]}
> > [2018-08-09 11:43:26] :: DEBUG ::
> > AbstractCoordinator$JoinGroupResponseHandler:406 - Received successful
> > join
> > group response for group bulk-email-consumer:
> > {error_code=0,generation_id=1225,group_protocol=range,
> > leader_id=consumer-23-bdc073b6-1f90-4ac5-a801-869377f9ead1,member_id=
> > consumer-25-fa10026f-031e-49aa-9df1-9d083b256ffa,members=[]}
> > [2018-08-09 11:43:26] :: DEBUG ::
> > AbstractCoordinator$JoinGroupResponseHandler:406 - Received successful
> > join
> > group response for group bulk-email-consumer:
> > {error_code=0,generation_id=1225,group_protocol=range,
> > leader_id=consumer-23-bdc073b6-1f90-4ac5-a801-869377f9ead1,member_id=
> > consumer-19-59fa9871-2dcc-4713-9c4c-6f0621f10afa,members=[]}
> > [2018-08-09 11:43:26] :: DEBUG ::
> > AbstractCoordinator$JoinGroupResponseHandler:406 - Received successful
> > join
> > group response for group bulk-email-consumer:
> > {error_code=0,generation_id=1225,group_protocol=range,
> > leader_id=consumer-23-bdc073b6-1f90-4ac5-a801-869377f9ead1,member_id=
> > consumer-23-bdc073b6-1f90-4ac5-a801-869377f9ead1,
> > members=[{member_id=consumer-23-bdc073b6-1f90-4ac5-a801-
> > 869377f9ead1,member_metadata=java.nio.HeapByteBuffer[pos=0
> > lim=22
> > cap=250]},{member_id=consumer-19-59fa9871-2dcc-4713-9c4c-
> > 6f0621f10afa,member_metadata=java.nio.HeapByteBuffer[pos=0
> > lim=22
> > cap=174]},{member_id=consumer-25-fa10026f-031e-49aa-9df1-
> > 9d083b256ffa,member_metadata=java.nio.HeapByteBuffer[pos=0
> > lim=22
> > cap=98]},{member_id=consumer-26-f5a1293d-7d14-4519-8378-
> > 1c4dd363ba09,member_metadata=java.nio.HeapByteBuffer[pos=0
> > lim=22 cap=22]}]}
> > [2018-08-09 11:43:26] :: DEBUG :: AbstractCoordinator:460 - Sending
> > follower SyncGroup for group bulk-email-consumer to coordinator
> > (id: 2147483647 rack: null):
> > {group_id=bulk-email-consumer,generation_id=1225,member_id=
> > consumer-26-f5a1293d-7d14-4519-8378-1c4dd363ba09,group_assignment=[]}
> > [2018-08-09 11:43:26] :: DEBUG :: AbstractCoordinator:460 - Sending
> > follower SyncGroup for group bulk-email-consumer to coordinator
> > (id: 2147483647 rack: null):
> > {group_id=bulk-email-consumer,generation_id=1225,member_id=
> > consumer-25-fa10026f-031e-49aa-9df1-9d083b256ffa,group_assignment=[]}
> > [2018-08-09 11:43:26] :: DEBUG :: AbstractCoordinator:460 - Sending
> > follower SyncGroup for group bulk-email-consumer to coordinator
> > (id: 2147483647 rack: null):
> > {group_id=bulk-email-consumer,generation_id=1225,member_id=
> > consumer-19-59fa9871-2dcc-4713-9c4c-6f0621f10afa,group_assignment=[]}
> > [2018-08-09 11:43:26] :: DEBUG :: ConsumerCoordinator:310 - Performing
> > assignment for group bulk-email-consumer using strategy range with
> > subscriptions
> > {consumer-23-bdc073b6-1f90-4ac5-a801-869377f9ead1=
> > Subscription(topics=[bulk-email]),
> > consumer-19-59fa9871-2dcc-4713-9c4c-6f0621f10afa=
> > Subscription(topics=[bulk-email]),
> > consumer-25-fa10026f-031e-49aa-9df1-9d083b256ffa=
> > Subscription(topics=[bulk-email]),
> > consumer-26-f5a1293d-7d14-4519-8378-1c4dd363ba09=
> > Subscription(topics=[bulk-email])}
> > [2018-08-09 11:43:26] :: DEBUG :: ConsumerCoordinator:315 - Finished
> > assignment for group bulk-email-consumer:
> > {consumer-23-bdc073b6-1f90-4ac5-a801-869377f9ead1=
> > Assignment(partitions=[bulk-email-3,
> > bulk-email-4, bulk-email-5]),
> > consumer-19-59fa9871-2dcc-4713-9c4c-6f0621f10afa=
> > Assignment(partitions=[bulk-email-0,
> > bulk-email-1, bulk-email-2]),
> > consumer-25-fa10026f-031e-49aa-9df1-9d083b256ffa=
> > Assignment(partitions=[bulk-email-6,
> > bulk-email-7]),
> > consumer-26-f5a1293d-7d14-4519-8378-1c4dd363ba09=
> > Assignment(partitions=[bulk-email-8,
> > bulk-email-9])}
> > [2018-08-09 11:43:26] :: DEBUG :: AbstractCoordinator:471 - Sending
> leader
> > SyncGroup for group bulk-email-consumer to coordinator
> > (id: 2147483647 rack: null):
> > {group_id=bulk-email-consumer,generation_id=1225,member_id=
> > consumer-23-bdc073b6-1f90-4ac5-a801-869377f9ead1,group_
> > assignment=[{member_id=consumer-23-bdc073b6-1f90-
> > 4ac5-a801-869377f9ead1,member_assignment=java.nio.HeapByteBuffer[pos=0
> > lim=38
> > cap=38]},{member_id=consumer-19-59fa9871-2dcc-4713-9c4c-
> > 6f0621f10afa,member_assignment=java.nio.HeapByteBuffer[pos=0
> > lim=38
> > cap=38]},{member_id=consumer-25-fa10026f-031e-49aa-9df1-
> > 9d083b256ffa,member_assignment=java.nio.HeapByteBuffer[pos=0
> > lim=34
> > cap=34]},{member_id=consumer-26-f5a1293d-7d14-4519-8378-
> > 1c4dd363ba09,member_assignment=java.nio.HeapByteBuffer[pos=0
> > lim=34 cap=34]}]}
> > [2018-08-09 11:43:26] :: INFO  :: AbstractCoordinator$1:349 -
> Successfully
> > joined group bulk-email-consumer with generation 1225
> > [2018-08-09 11:43:26] :: INFO  :: AbstractCoordinator$1:349 -
> Successfully
> > joined group bulk-email-consumer with generation 1225
> > [2018-08-09 11:43:26] :: INFO  :: AbstractCoordinator$1:349 -
> Successfully
> > joined group bulk-email-consumer with generation 1225
> > [2018-08-09 11:43:26] :: INFO  :: AbstractCoordinator$1:349 -
> Successfully
> > joined group bulk-email-consumer with generation 1225
> > [2018-08-09 11:43:26] :: INFO  :: ConsumerCoordinator:225 - Setting newly
> > assigned partitions [bulk-email-7, bulk-email-6] for group
> > bulk-email-consumer
> > [2018-08-09 11:43:26] :: INFO  :: ConsumerCoordinator:225 - Setting newly
> > assigned partitions [bulk-email-0, bulk-email-2, bulk-email-1] for group
> > bulk-email-consumer
> > [2018-08-09 11:43:26] :: INFO  :: ConsumerCoordinator:225 - Setting newly
> > assigned partitions [bulk-email-4, bulk-email-3, bulk-email-5] for group
> > bulk-email-consumer
> > [2018-08-09 11:43:26] :: INFO  :: ConsumerCoordinator:225 - Setting newly
> > assigned partitions [bulk-email-8, bulk-email-9] for group
> > bulk-email-consumer
> > [2018-08-09 11:43:26] :: DEBUG :: ConsumerCoordinator:708 - Group
> > bulk-email-consumer fetching committed offsets for partitions:
> > [bulk-email-7, bulk-email-6]
> > [2018-08-09 11:43:26] :: DEBUG :: ConsumerCoordinator:708 - Group
> > bulk-email-consumer fetching committed offsets for partitions:
> > [bulk-email-0, bulk-email-2, bulk-email-1]
> > [2018-08-09 11:43:26] :: DEBUG :: ConsumerCoordinator:708 - Group
> > bulk-email-consumer fetching committed offsets for partitions:
> > [bulk-email-4, bulk-email-3, bulk-email-5]
> > [2018-08-09 11:43:26] :: DEBUG :: ConsumerCoordinator:708 - Group
> > bulk-email-consumer fetching committed offsets for partitions:
> > [bulk-email-8, bulk-email-9]
> > [2018-08-09 11:43:26] :: DEBUG :: Fetcher   :221 - Resetting offset for
> > partition bulk-email-7 to the committed offset 25435998
> > [2018-08-09 11:43:26] :: DEBUG :: Fetcher   :221 - Resetting offset for
> > partition bulk-email-0 to the committed offset 25390842
> > [2018-08-09 11:43:26] :: DEBUG :: Fetcher   :221 - Resetting offset for
> > partition bulk-email-6 to the committed offset 25463566
> > [2018-08-09 11:43:26] :: DEBUG :: Fetcher   :221 - Resetting offset for
> > partition bulk-email-4 to the committed offset 25409183
> > [2018-08-09 11:43:26] :: DEBUG :: Fetcher   :221 - Resetting offset for
> > partition bulk-email-8 to the committed offset 25465113
> > [2018-08-09 11:43:26] :: DEBUG :: Fetcher   :221 - Resetting offset for
> > partition bulk-email-2 to the committed offset 25368327
> > [2018-08-09 11:43:26] :: DEBUG :: Fetcher   :665 - Ignoring fetched
> records
> > for partition bulk-email-8 since it is no longer fetchable
> > [2018-08-09 11:43:26] :: DEBUG :: Fetcher   :221 - Resetting offset for
> > partition bulk-email-3 to the committed offset 25422008
> > [2018-08-09 11:43:26] :: DEBUG :: Fetcher   :221 - Resetting offset for
> > partition bulk-email-9 to the committed offset 25444488
> > [2018-08-09 11:43:26] :: DEBUG :: Fetcher   :221 - Resetting offset for
> > partition bulk-email-1 to the committed offset 25369263
> > [2018-08-09 11:43:26] :: DEBUG :: Fetcher   :221 - Resetting offset for
> > partition bulk-email-5 to the committed offset 25456518
> > [2018-08-09 11:43:26] :: DEBUG :: Fetcher   :470 - Ignoring fetched
> records
> > for bulk-email-0 at offset 25390442 since the current position is
> 25390842
> > [2018-08-09 11:43:26] :: DEBUG :: Fetcher   :665 - Ignoring fetched
> records
> > for partition bulk-email-6 since it is no longer fetchable
> > [2018-08-09 11:43:26] :: DEBUG :: Fetcher   :671 - Discarding stale fetch
> > response for partition bulk-email-1 since its offset 25369219 does not
> > match the expected offset 25369263
> > [2018-08-09 11:43:29] :: DEBUG ::
> > ConsumerCoordinator$OffsetCommitResponseHandler:640 - Group
> > bulk-email-consumer committed offset 25465113 for partition bulk-email-8
> > [2018-08-09 11:43:29] :: DEBUG ::
> > ConsumerCoordinator$OffsetCommitResponseHandler:640 - Group
> > bulk-email-consumer committed offset 25444488 for partition bulk-email-9
> > [2018-08-09 11:43:29] :: DEBUG :: ConsumerCoordinator$4:539 - Completed
> > autocommit of offsets {bulk-email-8=OffsetAndMetadata{offset=25465113,
> > metadata=''}, bulk-email-9=OffsetAndMetadata{offset=25444488,
> > metadata=''}}
> > for group bulk-email-consumer
> > [2018-08-09 11:43:29] :: DEBUG ::
> > AbstractCoordinator$HeartbeatResponseHandler:694 - Received successful
> > heartbeat response for group bulk-email-consumer
> > [2018-08-09 11:43:29] :: DEBUG ::
> > AbstractCoordinator$HeartbeatResponseHandler:694 - Received successful
> > heartbeat response for group bulk-email-consumer
> > [2018-08-09 11:43:29] :: DEBUG ::
> > ConsumerCoordinator$OffsetCommitResponseHandler:640 - Group
> > bulk-email-consumer committed offset 25436018 for partition bulk-email-7
> > [2018-08-09 11:43:29] :: DEBUG ::
> > AbstractCoordinator$HeartbeatResponseHandler:694 - Received successful
> > heartbeat response for group bulk-email-consumer
> > [2018-08-09 11:43:29] :: DEBUG ::
> > ConsumerCoordinator$OffsetCommitResponseHandler:640 - Group
> > bulk-email-consumer committed offset 25463566 for partition bulk-email-6
> > [2018-08-09 11:43:29] :: DEBUG ::
> > AbstractCoordinator$HeartbeatResponseHandler:694 - Received successful
> > heartbeat response for group bulk-email-consumer
> > [2018-08-09 11:43:29] :: DEBUG ::
> > ConsumerCoordinator$OffsetCommitResponseHandler:640 - Group
> > bulk-email-consumer committed offset 25409183 for partition bulk-email-4
> > [2018-08-09 11:43:29] :: DEBUG ::
> > ConsumerCoordinator$OffsetCommitResponseHandler:640 - Group
> > bulk-email-consumer committed offset 25422008 for partition bulk-email-3
> > [2018-08-09 11:43:29] :: DEBUG ::
> > ConsumerCoordinator$OffsetCommitResponseHandler:640 - Group
> > bulk-email-consumer committed offset 25456530 for partition bulk-email-5
> > [2018-08-09 11:43:29] :: DEBUG ::
> > ConsumerCoordinator$OffsetCommitResponseHandler:640 - Group
> > bulk-email-consumer committed offset 25390842 for partition bulk-email-0
> > [2018-08-09 11:43:29] :: DEBUG ::
> > ConsumerCoordinator$OffsetCommitResponseHandler:640 - Group
> > bulk-email-consumer committed offset 25368339 for partition bulk-email-2
> > [2018-08-09 11:43:29] :: DEBUG ::
> > ConsumerCoordinator$OffsetCommitResponseHandler:640 - Group
> > bulk-email-consumer committed offset 25369263 for partition bulk-email-1
> > [2018-08-09 11:43:29] :: DEBUG :: ConsumerCoordinator$4:539 - Completed
> > autocommit of offsets {bulk-email-4=OffsetAndMetadata{offset=25409183,
> > metadata=''}, bulk-email-3=OffsetAndMetadata{offset=25422008,
> > metadata=''},
> > bulk-email-5=OffsetAndMetadata{offset=25456530, metadata=''}} for group
> > bulk-email-consumer
> >
> > On Thu, Jul 12, 2018 at 9:27 PM Steve Tian <steve.cs.t...@gmail.com>
> > wrote:
> >
> > > It's a very good and important doc so I think you should read it all.
> > You
> > > should get some idea from sections like *Detecting Consumer Failures*
> and
> > > *Multi-threaded Processing* for your case.
> > >
> > > On Thu, Jul 12, 2018, 3:17 PM Shantanu Deshmukh <shantanu...@gmail.com
> >
> > > wrote:
> > >
> > > > Hi Steve,
> > > >
> > > > Could you please shed more light on this? What section should I
> > revisit?
> > > I
> > > > am using high-level consumer. So I am simply calling consumer.close()
> > > when
> > > > I am shutting down the process. Is there any other method to be
> called
> > > > before calling close()?
> > > >
> > > > On Mon, Jul 9, 2018 at 5:58 PM Steve Tian <steve.cs.t...@gmail.com>
> > > wrote:
> > > >
> > > > > Please re-read the javadoc of KafkaConsumer, make sure you know how
> > to
> > > > > wakeup/close consumer properly while shutting down your
> application.
> > > Try
> > > > > to understand the motivation of KIP-62 and adjust related timeout.
> > > > >
> > > > > On Mon, Jul 9, 2018, 8:05 PM harish lohar <hklo...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> > > > >
> > > > > > Try reducing below timer
> > > > > > metadata.max.age.ms = 300000
> > > > > >
> > > > > >
> > > > > > On Fri, Jul 6, 2018 at 5:55 AM Shantanu Deshmukh <
> > > > shantanu...@gmail.com>
> > > > > > wrote:
> > > > > >
> > > > > > > Hello everyone,
> > > > > > >
> > > > > > > We are running a 3 broker Kafka cluster. We have a
> java
> > > app
> > > > > > which
> > > > > > > spawns many consumer threads consuming from different topics.
> For
> > > > every
> > > > > > > topic we have specified different consumer-group. A lot of
> times
> > I
> > > > see
> > > > > > that
> > > > > > > whenever this application is restarted a CG on one or two
> topics
> > > > takes
> > > > > > more
> > > > > > > than 5 minutes to receive partition assignment. Till that time
> > > > > consumers
> > > > > > > for that topic don't consumer anything. If I go to Kafka broker
> > and
> > > > run
> > > > > > > consumer-groups.sh and describe that particular CG I see that
> it
> > is
> > > > > > > rebalancing. There is time critical data stored in that topic
> and
> > > we
> > > > > > cannot
> > > > > > > tolerate such long delays. What can be the reason for such long
> > > > > > rebalances.
> > > > > > >
> > > > > > > Here's our consumer config
> > > > > > >
> > > > > > >
> > > > > > > auto.commit.interval.ms = 3000
> > > > > > > auto.offset.reset = latest
> > > > > > > bootstrap.servers = [x.x.x.x:9092, x.x.x.x:9092, x.x.x.x:9092]
> > > > > > > check.crcs = true
> > > > > > > client.id =
> > > > > > > connections.max.idle.ms = 540000
> > > > > > > enable.auto.commit = true
> > > > > > > exclude.internal.topics = true
> > > > > > > fetch.max.bytes = 52428800
> > > > > > > fetch.max.wait.ms = 500
> > > > > > > fetch.min.bytes = 1
> > > > > > > group.id = otp-notifications-consumer
> > > > > > > heartbeat.interval.ms = 3000
> > > > > > > interceptor.classes = null
> > > > > > > key.deserializer = class
> > > > > > > org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.StringDeserializer
> > > > > > > max.partition.fetch.bytes = 1048576
> > > > > > > max.poll.interval.ms = 300000
> > > > > > > max.poll.records = 50
> > > > > > > metadata.max.age.ms = 300000
> > > > > > > metric.reporters = []
> > > > > > > metrics.num.samples = 2
> > > > > > > metrics.sample.window.ms = 30000
> > > > > > > partition.assignment.strategy = [class
> > > > > > > org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.RangeAssignor]
> > > > > > > receive.buffer.bytes = 65536
> > > > > > > reconnect.backoff.ms = 50
> > > > > > > request.timeout.ms = 305000
> > > > > > > retry.backoff.ms = 100
> > > > > > > sasl.kerberos.kinit.cmd = /usr/bin/kinit
> > > > > > > sasl.kerberos.min.time.before.relogin = 60000
> > > > > > > sasl.kerberos.service.name = null
> > > > > > > sasl.kerberos.ticket.renew.jitter = 0.05
> > > > > > > sasl.kerberos.ticket.renew.window.factor = 0.8
> > > > > > > sasl.mechanism = GSSAPI
> > > > > > > security.protocol = SSL
> > > > > > > send.buffer.bytes = 131072
> > > > > > > session.timeout.ms = 300000
> > > > > > > ssl.cipher.suites = null
> > > > > > > ssl.enabled.protocols = [TLSv1.2, TLSv1.1, TLSv1]
> > > > > > > ssl.endpoint.identification.algorithm = null
> > > > > > > ssl.key.password = null
> > > > > > > ssl.keymanager.algorithm = SunX509
> > > > > > > ssl.keystore.location = null
> > > > > > > ssl.keystore.password = null
> > > > > > > ssl.keystore.type = JKS
> > > > > > > ssl.protocol = TLS
> > > > > > > ssl.provider = null
> > > > > > > ssl.secure.random.implementation = null
> > > > > > > ssl.trustmanager.algorithm = PKIX
> > > > > > > ssl.truststore.location = /x/x/client.truststore.jks
> > > > > > > ssl.truststore.password = [hidden]
> > > > > > > ssl.truststore.type = JKS
> > > > > > > value.deserializer = class
> > > > > > > org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.StringDeserializer
> > > > > > >
> > > > > > > Please help.
> > > > > > >
> > > > > > > *Thanks & Regards,*
> > > > > > > *Shantanu Deshmukh*
> > > > > > >
> > > > > >
> > > > >
> > > >
> > >
> >

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