Hi all

I investigated a bit deeper and I came to the conclusion that it's probably 
expected behaviour, that a broker keeps running after loosing the ZK session 
and does not necessarily restart or reconnect automatically. 
 and tickets related to that KIP reflect that it is probably better to keep it 
running even without ZK connectivity.

In the meantime, I also found a JMX property (kafka.server -> 
SessionExpireListener -> SessionState) which reflects exactly this state. We'll 
add that to our monitoring and restart a broker if the state is CLOSED, but 
Zookeeper is available again.

CU, Joe

On 3/18/19 3:29 PM, Joe Ammann wrote:
> Hi all
> We're running several clusters (mostly with 3 brokers) with 2.1.1
> We quite regularly see the pattern that one of the 3 brokers "detaches" from 
> ZK (the broker id is not registered anymore under /brokers/ids). We assume 
> that the root cause for this is that the brokers are running on VMs (due to 
> company policy, no alternative) and that the VM gets "stalled" for several 
> minutes due to missing resources on the VMware ESX host.
> This is not new behaviour with 2.1.1, we already saw it with before.
> The sequence of events is normally something like the following
> - cluster is running ok
> - one broker "gets stalled", not pingable anymore
> - partitions go to underreplicated
> - failed broker comes back and reports that ZK session was expired [1]
> - some of the brokers that were ok report leader election problems [2]
> - the failed/revived broker logs errors continuosly about expired session [3]
> This goes on, until we restart the broker on the VM that had failed. Until we 
> do this restart, the failed broker seems to think it is working perfectly ok. 
> We're monitoring all brokers via JMX, and that one does not report any 
> problems. It claims in the JMX values to be the leader of a number of 
> partitions, and have 0 underreplicated partitions. Whilst the other brokers 
> rightfully report via JMX that they in turn do have underreplicate paritions. 
> This then causes alerts to go off about the brokers that still work in 
> degraded mode, while the one that is really broken appears green/ok.
> Is this in any way expected behaviour? That a Kafka broker gets its ZK 
> session expired but continues to run (just issues the errors in [3]). I would 
> have expected that the broker would shutdown itsself in a similar manner it 
> does when it's unable to register with ZK on startup.
> Any idea how I could best detect this situation in monitoring? I'm thinking 
> about after polling the broker via JMX, I also poll ZK to check if 
> /brokers/ids/<brokerid> node exists. If not, restart that broker.
> BTW: I do know that probably the best answer is: "just run your ZK/Kafka on 
> hardware, not VMs". We're working on that, but company policies seem to 
> prefer outages over spending a little money).

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