I'd suggest filing a single JIRA as a first step. Please test the 2.2 RC
before filing if possible. Please include enough details for someone else
to reproduce.



On Fri, Mar 22, 2019, 3:14 PM Joe Ammann <j...@pyx.ch> wrote:

> Hi Ismael
> I've done a few more tests, and it seems that I'm able to "reproduce"
> various kinds of problems in Kafka 2.1.1 in out DEV. I can force these by
> faking an outage of Zookeeper. What I do for my tests is freeze (kill
> -STOP) 2 out of 3 ZK instances, let the Kafka brokers continue, then thaw
> the ZK instances (kill -CONT) and see what happens.
> The ZK nodes always very quickly reunite and build a Quorum after thawing.
> But the Kafka brokers (running on the same 3 Linux VMs) quite often show
> problems after this procedure (most of the time they successfully
> re-register and continue to work). I've seen 3 different kinds of problems
> (this is why I put "reproduce" in quotes, I can never predict what will
> happen)
> - the brokers get their ZK sessions expired (obviously) and sometimes only
> 2 of 3 re-register under /brokers/ids. The 3rd broker doesn't re-register
> for some reason (that's the problem I originally described)
> - the brokers all re-register and re-elect a new controller. But that new
> controller does not fully work. For example it doesn't process partition
> reassignment requests and or does not transfer partition leadership after I
> kill a broker
> - the previous controller gets "dead-locked" (it has 3-4 of the important
> controller threads in a lock) and hence does not perform any of it's
> controller duties. But it regards itsself still as the valid controller and
> is accepted by the other brokers
> We have seen variants of these behaviours in TEST and PROD during the last
> days. Of course there not provoked by kill -STOP, but rather by the stalled
> underlying Linux VMs (we're heavily working on getting those replaced by
> bare metal, but it may take some time).
> Before I start filing JIRA's
> - I feel this behaviour is so totally wierd, that I hardly can believe
> it's Kafka bugs. They should have hit the community really hard and have
> been uncovered quickly. So I'm rather guessing I'm doing something terribly
> wrong. Any clue what that might be?
> - if I really start filing JIRA's should it rather be one single, or one
> per error scenario
> On 3/21/19 4:05 PM, Ismael Juma wrote:
> > Hi Joe,
> >
> > This is not expected behaviour, please file a JIRA.
> >
> > Ismael
> >
> > On Mon, Mar 18, 2019 at 7:29 AM Joe Ammann <j...@pyx.ch <mailto:
> j...@pyx.ch>> wrote:
> >
> >     Hi all
> >
> >     We're running several clusters (mostly with 3 brokers) with 2.1.1
> >
> >     We quite regularly see the pattern that one of the 3 brokers
> "detaches" from ZK (the broker id is not registered anymore under
> /brokers/ids). We assume that the root cause for this is that the brokers
> are running on VMs (due to company policy, no alternative) and that the VM
> gets "stalled" for several minutes due to missing resources on the VMware
> ESX host.
> >
> >     This is not new behaviour with 2.1.1, we already saw it with
> before.
> --
> CU, Joe

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