HI Phil, 

Phil Metting van Rijn wrote:
> Hello.  I've been reading through the archives for the various Kannel lists
> (particularly devel and users), and I've also read through the WAP Push
> specification released by the WAP Forum.  I'm a bit confused about the
> architecture diagram that is posted on the Kannel website, as well as the
> diagrams shown in the WAP Push specification.  I'm about to install RedHat
> Linux 7.2 on a Pentium III 600 and try and set up Kannel, but I'm hoping
> someone can answer a couple of questions for me so I don't go through too
> much work only to realize that I didn't understand the architectural
> requirements properly and I can't do what I had hoped.
> Am I going to need access to the mobile operator's network (e.g. Cingular,
> Nextel, Verizon, etc.) in order to test WAP Push? 

You can test WAP Push with Nokia Toolkit, see Userguide for details.
 The architecture diagram
> shows Kannel operating as a Push Proxy Gateway, with no other machines
> between the gateway and the mobile phone.  If I set up Kannel on my Linux
> box, which is *outside* the operator's network, is Kannel still able to
> push content directly onto the phone? 

You must either have access to SMSC or use a phone as a virtual SMSC (as
modem actually). 

 I'm confused how the WAP Push
> message is routed to the phone from the gateway.  If there is a diagram or
> explanation somewhere that would clarify this, that would be most
> helpful.  Maybe a more detailed description of the "WAP Stack", which seems
> to be the only thing shown between the gateway and the phone.

Perhaps this one should indeed be added. PPG sends message to wapbox
(implementing WAP stack) and wapbox sends message to the bearerbox.
has SMSC drivers, which either send message to SMSC or to the modem, to
the wireless network. 

  I've seen
> mentions of a DLR-3p cable in various posts, but only in reference to using
> the mobile phone as an SMSC.

As I said earlier, this is one way to reach the wireless network
> I apologize if this isn't the proper place for this question.  The other
> lists didn't seem appropriate. 

Users list is *exactly* rigth place for general questions.


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