Title: WAP -Push


We got a problem when testing wap-push, we thought we did the right thing by following the manual in details. But it seems we may have misunderstood something during the way.

We took the sample pushkannel.conf file an modified to fit our internal testing, basically replacing all ip with localhost, we running on a localhost with no internet connection. Everything runs up ok, we start the test_ppg_server -p 10022 and execute the test_ppg -q http://localhost:10022 content.txt control.txt .

content.txt and control.txt is in accordance to the default values shown in the manual.

Every time we run the test_ppg we get the same error
Debug: TEST_PPG Push 0 done: reply from http://localhost:10022?username=foo&password=bar
Entity: Line 1: error: Start tag expected, '<' not found
hello, world
warning: PaP Compiler pap-compile pap message
warning Test-PPG receive_push_reply: cannot compile pap message

My question are:
Is this error caused by the system not finding the "content file"
In the Kannel configuration file pushkannel, there is a reference in the SMSC part of the configuration to a send-url . What do we enter here, our local sms gateway that will send out the wappush over an sms message.

Correct me if I am wrong The test_ppg tool push the file content using the control.txt to the test_ppg_server, the kannel wapbox fetches the message and start the push which is sent to the smsbox specified and sent to the SMSC. If this is the case I can change the SMSC to my GSM Modem and can push it out to a handset.

I appreciate any feedback!


Torbjorn Zetterlund
VP, Mobile Commerce
CertaPay Inc.
[t] 416-777-5081 - Direct
[f] 416-360-7121

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