Hello everybody!

I´m tring to set up a linux box running kannel(using cvs version) using a 
ericsson t28 as SMSC. So far I succeded in geting the bearbox, smsbox and 
fakesmsc running.

Since I couldn´t find any examples of how to set up a ericsson t28 as SMSC 
I tried to find out what AT commands that are needed to get the phone 
up´n´running. I failed in doing this, when I´m not familiar to AT commans 
at all.

Has someone set up a t28 as SMSC, if so, how?
Can someone explain to me what AT command kannel needs to send to the t28 

I tried use the reference below without any luck: t28 AT command reference:

Below is my 'trail and error' configuration. The log says 'cannot enable 
hardware handshake' but still give me 'AT SMSC successfully opened'.
Is the phone operational?
Can I start to send/read SMS to/from the phone now and how is this done? 
(Link to documentation is enough, thanks)

Thanks in advance!
Regards Tobias

group = smsc
smsc = at2
modemtype = ericsson_t28
device = /dev/ttyS0
speed = 9600
pin = 1915
include = /home/tobiash/kannel/gateway-dev/doc/modems.conf

group = modems
id = ericsson_t28
name = "Ericsson T28"
detect-string = "T28"
init-string = "AT+CNMI=3,1,2,0"
keepalive-cmd = "AT+CBC;+CSQ"
broken = true


tobiash@anakin:~/kannel/gateway-dev > gw/bearerbox gw/smskannel.conf
2002-05-21 16:47:22 [0] INFO: Debug_lvl = -1, log_file = <none>, log_lvl = 0
2002-05-21 16:47:22 [0] DEBUG: Loading include file 
`/home/tobiash/kannel/gateway-dev/doc/modems.conf' (on line 54 of
file gw/smskannel.conf).
2002-05-21 16:47:22 [0] WARNING: DLR: using default 'internal' for storage 
2002-05-21 16:47:22 [0] DEBUG: Kannel bearerbox version `cvs- 2000501'.
System Linux, release 2.4.4-4GB, version #1 Fri May 18 14:11:12 GMT 2001, 
machine i686.
Hostname anakin.interia.se, IP
Libxml version 20421.
Using checking malloc.

2002-05-21 16:47:22 [0] INFO: ----------------------------------------
2002-05-21 16:47:22 [0] INFO: Kannel bearerbox II version cvs- 2000501 starting
2002-05-21 16:47:22 [0] INFO: SSL not supported, no SSL initialization done.
2002-05-21 16:47:22 [0] DEBUG: HTTP: Opening server at port 13000.
2002-05-21 16:47:22 [0] DEBUG: Started thread 1 (gwlib/fdset.c:poller)
2002-05-21 16:47:22 [0] DEBUG: Started thread 2 (gwlib/http.c:server_thread)
2002-05-21 16:47:22 [0] DEBUG: Started thread 3 (gw/bb_http.c:httpadmin_run)
2002-05-21 16:47:22 [0] DEBUG: starting smsbox connection module
2002-05-21 16:47:22 [0] DEBUG: Started thread 4 (gw/bb_boxc.c:smsboxc_run)
2002-05-21 16:47:22 [0] INFO: AT2[/dev/ttyS0]: configuration shows 
modemtype <ericsson_t28>
2002-05-21 16:47:22 [0] DEBUG: AT2[/dev/ttyS0]: Reading modem definitions 
from <gw/smskannel.conf>
2002-05-21 16:47:22 [0] DEBUG: Loading include file 
`/home/tobiash/kannel/gateway-dev/doc/modems.conf' (on line 54 of
file gw/smskannel.conf).
2002-05-21 16:47:22 [0] DEBUG: AT2[/dev/ttyS0]: Found <11> modems in config
2002-05-21 16:47:22 [0] INFO: AT2[/dev/ttyS0]: read modem definition for 
<Ericsson T28>
2002-05-21 16:47:22 [0] DEBUG: Started thread 5 
2002-05-21 16:47:22 [0] DEBUG: Started thread 6 (gw/bb_smscconn.c:sms_router)
2002-05-21 16:47:22 [0] INFO: MAIN: Start-up done, entering mainloop
2002-05-21 16:47:22 [5] INFO: AT2[/dev/ttyS0]: opening device
2002-05-21 16:47:22 [5] DEBUG: AT2[/dev/ttyS0]: device opened
2002-05-21 16:47:22 [5] DEBUG: AT2[/dev/ttyS0]: device opened
2002-05-21 16:47:22 [5] INFO: AT2[/dev/ttyS0]: init device
2002-05-21 16:47:22 [5] INFO: AT2[/dev/ttyS0]: speed set to 9600
2002-05-21 16:47:22 [5] DEBUG: AT2[/dev/ttyS0]: --> AT^M
2002-05-21 16:47:22 [0] DEBUG: AT2[/dev/ttyS0]: start called
2002-05-21 16:47:22 [6] DEBUG: sms_router: time to sleep
2002-05-21 16:47:22 [6] DEBUG: sms_router: list_len = 0
2002-05-21 16:47:26 [5] DEBUG: AT2[/dev/ttyS0]: --> AT^M
2002-05-21 16:47:26 [5] DEBUG: AT2[/dev/ttyS0]: <-- AT
2002-05-21 16:47:26 [5] DEBUG: AT2[/dev/ttyS0]: <-- OK
2002-05-21 16:47:26 [5] DEBUG: AT2[/dev/ttyS0]: --> AT&F^M
2002-05-21 16:47:26 [5] DEBUG: AT2[/dev/ttyS0]: <-- AT&F
2002-05-21 16:47:26 [5] DEBUG: AT2[/dev/ttyS0]: <-- OK
2002-05-21 16:47:26 [5] DEBUG: AT2[/dev/ttyS0]: --> ATE0^M
2002-05-21 16:47:26 [5] DEBUG: AT2[/dev/ttyS0]: <-- ATE0
2002-05-21 16:47:26 [5] DEBUG: AT2[/dev/ttyS0]: <-- OK
2002-05-21 16:47:26 [5] DEBUG: AT2[/dev/ttyS0]: --> AT+IFC=2,2^M
2002-05-21 16:47:26 [5] DEBUG: AT2[/dev/ttyS0]: <-- ERROR
2002-05-21 16:47:26 [5] INFO: AT2[/dev/ttyS0]: cannot enable hardware handshake
2002-05-21 16:47:26 [5] DEBUG: AT2[/dev/ttyS0]: --> AT+CPIN?^M
2002-05-21 16:47:26 [5] DEBUG: AT2[/dev/ttyS0]: <-- +CPIN: READY
2002-05-21 16:47:26 [5] DEBUG: AT2[/dev/ttyS0]: <-- OK
2002-05-21 16:47:26 [5] DEBUG: AT2[/dev/ttyS0]: --> AT+CMGF=0^M
2002-05-21 16:47:26 [5] DEBUG: AT2[/dev/ttyS0]: <-- OK
2002-05-21 16:47:26 [5] DEBUG: AT2[/dev/ttyS0]: --> AT+CSMS=?^M
2002-05-21 16:47:27 [5] DEBUG: AT2[/dev/ttyS0]: <-- +CSMS: (0)
2002-05-21 16:47:27 [5] DEBUG: AT2[/dev/ttyS0]: <-- OK
2002-05-21 16:47:27 [5] DEBUG: AT2[/dev/ttyS0]: --> AT+CNMI=3,1,2,0^M
2002-05-21 16:47:27 [5] DEBUG: AT2[/dev/ttyS0]: <-- OK
2002-05-21 16:47:27 [5] INFO: AT2[/dev/ttyS0]: AT SMSC successfully opened.

T28 AT command reference:

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