Antwort auf Mail von Richard Kingsley vom 31.08.2002 19:27:55:


>Thanks for your help
>I have all these four items installed,but still get the dependency
>I also tried reinstalling redhat 7.3, incase something got missed,
>but still get dependency errors.
>Anybody else got any clues.

mmh, I use Linux Mandrake 8.2 with a CVS (short time before 1.20 stable was
released). Mandrake is RedHat-based and works without any problems here.
Perhaps you switch over?? Ok, this is no "real" solution, but I tested
Suse, RedHat and Corel...but Mandrake was the first "successful"
installation that will take me over to Linux (as Linux-Newbie). Hasslefree.

Lars-Hendrik <--- wants MDK 9.0 after his return from Africa ;))

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