> -----Original Message-----
> From: Otgonbayar Agvaan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]

> I connected kannel to Comverse SMSC and it works fine. But I 
> don't receive
> DLR. So, I traced it on SMSC and I found that Registered 
> delivery flag is
> set 0 in SMPP protocol. How can I set it in kannel config?

You don't set that in the kannel config, but seperatly for each message by setting the 
dlr_mask and dlr_url parameters on the send-sms call or the matching X-Kannel headers 
on an sms-service response.

Oded Arbel
m-Wise mobile solutions

+972-9-9581711 (116)

According to Jon Bentley and Bjarne Stroustrup, rewriting malloc/free is one of 
the most rewarding forms of entertainment for SW people. 
        -- Henry Baker, (Re: allocator and GC locality (was Re: cost of malloc), 
        He did add a smiley to that comment 

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