Thanks a lot for your help.
Am I right, that URL encoded means I have to use ascii value in hex?
Ok, I tried the following for port 1000:
and it sent it, but it didn't worked with my Midlet on the 3410.
But I think that is an other problem an has to do with the Nokia SMS API.
After sending such http-request, the http-line has always be changed into
Is that an other possibility for sneding a port-number?

Best regards and thanks a lot.
Oh, maybe, someone of you could help me. But he needs a Nokia 3410
with a firmware newer than 4.09. It's a simple SMS test and that works only
on Nokia 3410. This is really a serios request cause I'm on my diploma
thesis and don't have a second 3410. So, if you have such a phone and want
to help me, do the following:
Go tho the WAP-site with your mobile
>From there, install the MIDlet "3410Test"
Then go to Menu8 in Nokia 3410 and start the MIDlet "usertest".
Klick on options and "Send YES" or "Send No".
This simply creates a SMS with YES or NO in it. This SMS has an optional UDH
with a portnumber. My MIDlet sould listen to that port and shows it on
display. Hope so. :-)


----- Original Message -----
From: "Florian Schlums" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, November 25, 2002 4:05 PM
Subject: User Data Header(UDH) in a SMS

> Hello all
> I'm a little bit confused about using the udh-parameter in a HTTP-request.
> I need an optional Header with a Port-Number in it. So i tried it like
> But there is something wrong, otherwise I wouldn't get an errormessage.:)
> Status: 400 Answer: <UDH field misformed, rejected>
> Any idea what the reason could be? Do I need any option in the kannel.conf
> using an optional udh?
> Best regards
> Florian Schlums
>  _  _ ___ ___  Florian Schlums;
> | || / __| _ \ HSR Hochschule Rapperswil; Oberseestrasse 10;
> | __ \__ \   / CH-8640 Rapperswil; Tel: +41 55 222 41 11;
> |_||_|___/_|_\ EMAIL: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; WWW:
>                My LinuxPage:

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