Just use the standard AT commands to access the SMS content of the phone. I can not 
guarantee that they will work for your phone but give them a go. Look on the web at 
http://www.fastlogic.co.za/faq59.htm for details of the following commands:

AT+CSMS Select Message Service
AT+CPMS Preferred Message Service
AT+CMGF Message Format
AT+CSCA Service Centre Address
AT+CSCB Cell Broadcast Message Type
AT+CSAS Save Settings
AT+CRES Restore Settings
AT+CNMI New Message Indication to TE
AT+CMGL List Message
AT+CMGR Read Message
AT+CMGS Send Message
AT+CMSS Send From Storage
AT+CMGW Write Message To Memory
AT+CMGD Delete Message
AT+CMGC Send Command 

AT*ESTL SMS Template List Edit (maybe Ericsson specific)

                Regards, Richard

-----Original Message-----
From: mario molfese [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 03 June 2003 16:57
Subject: how to read SMS via Kannel

Hi People,

I'm trying to write some C code to read SMS stored in a Siemens ME45 Mobile Phone 
connected to /dev/ttyS1. Is an hard and boring matter, however, because I'm not the 
best C Programmer of the World.

So I was wondering if there is some manner to do that job via Kannel. For example, 
configuring Kannel to fetch them automatically and store them on a file, or  in a 
MySql DB, or query them via a TCP Connection to the server.

Maybe is Science Fiction, I Dunno....

Thanks for your help, everybody!

Tanti Saluti, Mario

MSN Extra Storage: piena libertà di esprimersi e comunicare 

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