

I did some testing and hope that some gurus could lend me a hand and rectify or correct me. The scenario is like this


I have configure the kannel.conf file with the snippet as follow


Group = smsbox

Sendsms-port = 13013

Bearerbox-host = localhost

Global-sender = 13013

Log-file = “/var/log/kannel/smsbox.log

Log-level = 2



group = sendsms-user

username = test

password = test123


group = sms-service

keyword = HELLO







after configure the kannel.conf I run it (bearerbox and later the smsbox it runs as it suppose to with no error insight). Then based on the documentation, I use my browser to run the url which is as below





and got a reply sent.


My question is based on the configuration set (the last line in the kannel config snippet, get-url above) why is it not running my php script?


My php script is as follow



        if(isset($to)) {

                echo "the variable '\$to' is set to " . $to;

                $fp = fopen("result.php", "a+") or die("cannot open/write");

                fwrite($fp, $to . " - ". $text . "\n");


        }//end if




the script should return the value of variable $to and $text and the value inserted in the result.php file. I tested the script and it works. So why when I run the above url (based on the sample) it does not work? Pls advice. Thank you.




Tried but to no avail yet!

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