On Wed, 2005-01-26 at 22:26 -0800, Matthew Hixson wrote:
> So, how would I get Kannel to send me a notification containing the 
> message id?  I'd still need to know what escape code to put into my 
> dlr-url, if one exists.

Just generate a unique message ID before submitting the message, save it
to a safe place, use the ID somewhere in your dlr-url
(/test.php?msgid=191234325&status=%d), and when Kannel calls your
dlr-url, you'll get your ID back.

Enver ALTIN                   |        http://skyblue.gen.tr/
Software developer @ Parkyeri |      http://www.parkyeri.com/

Attachment: signature.asc
Description: This is a digitally signed message part

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