Hi All,
I need help with the following. I have a CIMD connection with an operator, and need a way of receiving non default ASCII characters (Greek). CIMD "encodes" them by sending for example _gp for the Greek pi Π character. When I submit this to my application I get question marks (?) in place of all the Greek characters, both in the %a and %b fields.

Here are some details:

running kannel-cvs (got source 2 days ago so I guess 20060704) but had same problem with kannel 1.4 debian packeges


group = smsc
smsc = cimd2
smsc-id = thissmsc
allowed-prefix = xxxxxxxx
throughput = 30
host = xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
port = xxxx
smsc-username = user
smsc-password = pass
my-number = 1111
denied-smsc-id = other smscs on same kannel server
keepalive = 5

group = sms-service
keyword = default
get-url = "http://server/path/script_in.php?provider=C&sender=%p&text=%a&recipient=%P&time=%t&bin=%b";
accept-x-kannel-headers = true
max-messages = 3
concatenation = true
accepted-smsc = thissmsc

2006-07-06 10:40:15 [2883] [24] DEBUG: CIMD2[thissmsc]: received: <20:004 021:xxxx000001 023:xxxxxxxxxxxx 060:060706104014 033:_ggIA THN O_glOK_glHP_go_gsH TH_gs _gpAPA_gg_ggE_glIA_gs _gsA_gs KAI _ggIA NA _glABETE TO _gpPOION _gpOY _gpAPA_gg_ggEI_glATE _gpAPAKA_gl_go _gsTEI_glTE 1 052:0 030:0 028:30971300000 026:202010300883818 069:309710001886>
2006-07-06 10:40:15 [2883] [24] DEBUG: CIMD2[thissmsc]: sending <70:004 40>
2006-07-06 10:40:15 [2883] [24] DEBUG: CIMD2[thissmsc]: new message received

[Aplication Log]
Jul 06 11:01:21 VQC [info] incoming
Jul 06 11:01:21 VQC [info] Sender: xxxxxxxxxxxx Provider:C
Jul 06 11:01:21 VQC [info] text: ?IA THN O?OK?HP??H TH? ?APA??E?IA? ?A? KAI ?IA NA ?ABETE TO ?POION ?OY ?APA??EI?ATE ?APAKA?? ?TEI?TE 1 Jul 06 11:01:21 VQC [info] bin: ?IA THN O?OK?HP??H TH? ?APA??E?IA? ?A? KAI ?IA NA ?ABETE TO ?POION ?OY ?APA??EI?ATE ?APAKA?? ?TEI?TE 1
Jul 06 11:01:21 VQC [info] recipient: xxxx000001
Jul 06 11:01:21 VQC [info] time: 2006-07-06 08:01:20
Jul 06 11:01:21 VQC [info] incoming enc: ASCII


Any help will be greatly appreciated.


Kyriacos Sakkas
Development Team
Tel: + 357 22 452565
Fax: + 357 22 452566

Taking Business to a New Level!

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