Yaswanth Narvaneni wrote:


I am facing a strange problem. I have kannel installed to work as AT
SMSC. Its working fine. But my application requires kannel to contact
a HTTP page and the page in return gives a Redirect request. Kannel is
able to call the page, but its not being redirected. The message in
log is as follows:

SMS HTTP-request sender:<my number> request: 'Could not fetch content,
sorry.' url: '' reply: -1 ''

Now, the strange part is, its working fine if the script is on LAN but
not on the Internet. If its on internet, it gives the above error. The
PHP code for redirect script is as follows:


$fp_handle = fopen("/tmp/recieve.txt", "a");

foreach ($_GET as $key=> $value)
   fwrite($fp_handle, "$key :: $value; ");

fwrite($fp_handle, "\n");


$message = urlencode($_GET['fullsms']);

header("Location: http://localhost/recieve2.php?message=$message";);


The script notes down the content in GET and sends a redirect request.

Can anyone tell me why this is happening (pls dont quote alternative
solutions of doing the same).

please check (and in case provide) the smsbox.log in debug level to review what the HTTP response is in real.

Generally speaking: Kannel does not care if the HTTP is local or remote, HTTP is based only on resolving IPs and doing HTTP interaction with the target.


Kölner Landstrasse 419
40589 Düsseldorf, NRW, Germany

tolj.org system architecture      Kannel Software Foundation (KSF)
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