Hi Yaswanth,
What did you mean with "not show much"? Can you post the smsbox.log?

Martin Conte

On 8/23/06, Yaswanth Narvaneni <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hi Stipe,

I have set the log-level to 0 and the debug does not show much. The
strange thing is its working fine with other external servers but not
mine :(. I have observed that in myserver the page is being called (by
Kannel) twice, where as using other programs (Perl LWP->UserAgent or a
firefox browser) calls it only once. I think it might be a problem
with Apache config that kannel somehow is unable to handle. I was
unable to complie Kannel to debug it.


P.S> As I told you the page has a redirect request in it.

On 8/22/06, Stipe Tolj <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Yaswanth Narvaneni wrote:
> > Hi!
> >
> > I am facing a strange problem. I have kannel installed to work as AT
> > SMSC. Its working fine. But my application requires kannel to contact
> > a HTTP page and the page in return gives a Redirect request. Kannel is
> > able to call the page, but its not being redirected. The message in
> > log is as follows:
> >
> > SMS HTTP-request sender:<my number> request: 'Could not fetch content,
> > sorry.' url: '' reply: -1 ''
> >
> > Now, the strange part is, its working fine if the script is on LAN but
> > not on the Internet. If its on internet, it gives the above error. The
> > PHP code for redirect script is as follows:
> >
> > <?php
> >
> > $fp_handle = fopen("/tmp/recieve.txt", "a");
> >
> > foreach ($_GET as $key=> $value)
> > {
> >    fwrite($fp_handle, "$key :: $value; ");
> > }
> >
> > fwrite($fp_handle, "\n");
> >
> > fclose($fp_handle);
> >
> > $message = urlencode($_GET['fullsms']);
> >
> > header("Location: http://localhost/recieve2.php?message=$message";);
> >
> >
> > ?>
> >
> > The script notes down the content in GET and sends a redirect request.
> >
> > Can anyone tell me why this is happening (pls dont quote alternative
> > solutions of doing the same).
> please check (and in case provide) the smsbox.log in debug level to review 
> the HTTP response is in real.
> Generally speaking: Kannel does not care if the HTTP is local or remote, HTTP 
> based only on resolving IPs and doing HTTP interaction with the target.
> Stipe
> -------------------------------------------------------------------
> Kölner Landstrasse 419
> 40589 Düsseldorf, NRW, Germany
> tolj.org system architecture      Kannel Software Foundation (KSF)
> http://www.tolj.org/              http://www.kannel.org/
> mailto:st_{at}_tolj.org           mailto:stolj_{at}_kannel.org
> -------------------------------------------------------------------

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