**>Subject: RE: Mail2SMS with Kannel
**>Date: Sun, 3 Dec 2006 09:09:12 +0400
**>In-Reply-To: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
**>Priority: Urgent
**>Importance: high
**>From: "Divyesh Amipara" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
**>To: "David E. Meier" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, <users@kannel.org>
**>I am facing problem with procmail, it seems procmail is not working 
properly. Below is my config and logs...
**>I just want mailto be handled by email2sms.pl. strange thing is when I run...
**>./email2sms.pl < /home/admin/Maildir/new/mail1111 (it works fine but not 
with procmail)
**>1) .procmailrc
**>| ./email2sms.pl
**>2) /etc/postfix/main.cf 
**>home_mailbox = Maildir/
**>mailbox_command = /usr/bin/procmail
**>virtual_alias_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/virtual
**>3) /etc/postfix/virtual
**>@test.com            [EMAIL PROTECTED]
**>4) /var/log/maillog
**>Dec  2 22:01:10 tecexperts postfix/local[6410]: 1A4981F3EB1: to=<[EMAIL 
PROTECTED]>, orig_to=<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, relay=local, delay=3832, 
status=SOFTBOUNCE (can't create user output file. Command output: procmail: 
Couldn't create "/var/mail/admin" ./email2sms.pl: line 3: use: command not 
found ./email2sms.pl: line 4: use: command not found ./email2sms.pl: line 5: 
use: command not found ./email2sms.pl: line 7: use: command not found 
./email2sms.pl: line 8: use: command not found ./email2sms.pl: line 9: syntax 
error near unexpected token `(' ./email2sms.pl: line 9: `use POSIX 
qw(strftime);' procmail: Program failure (2) of "./email2sms.pl" )

This is not a Kannel problem....but...

The problem is that procmail is being called from a location that is
not in the same directory as your email2sms.pl program.

You should specify the full path to email2sms.pl in your .procmailrc.

Therefore, if email2sms.pl is located in /home/divyesh, your .procmailrc
should have:

| /home/divyesh/email2sms.pl

I would also suggest obtaining a book on Unix. It would help you with
this problems on how to work in a Unix environment.

See ya...


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