

I have kannel running in the phone-as-smsc mode (with a Nokia VI-3155i).


My requirement is to establish a SMPP connection between an external
application and Kannel, and send SMSs using kannel in phone-as-smsc


Is it possible to use kannel in the above mentioned setup?


If the answer to the above question is yes, what modifications would I
need in my configuration file for the desired setup?


I read the SMPP section of the Kannel user guide and found the sample
configuration provided is for the Kannel as a SMPP-client while I
require it to work as a SMPP-server.

The sample configuration is repeated here below for convenience.


group = smsc

smsc = smpp

host =

port = 600

receive-port = 700

smsc-username = "STT"

smsc-password = foo

system-type = "VMA"

address-range = ""




The configuration in my file with the phone-as-smsc mode is as below.


group = smsbox

bearerbox-host =

sendsms-port = 13013

global-sender = 13013

log-file = "/c/smsbox.log"


group = smsc

smsc = at

modemtype = nokia3155

device = COM7


group = modems

id = nokia3155

name = "Nokia 3155i as SMSC"

detect-string = "Nokia"

speed = 460800


group = sendsms-user

username = tester

password = pwd







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