
Could you be more precise on the test environnement? Are you using mysql in
both? It could depend as well how you are coding your database request. If
you are asking for all the fields of each record or not.... Many things to
explain before we could advice if the issue is from kannel or not!

Hope it helps


-----Original Message-----
From: Illimar Reinbusch - Telejazz.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: mercredi 13 février 2008 04:55
To: users@kannel.org
Subject: Kannel performance


Im testing Kannel performance using fakesmsc.
I have set-up three fake connections and im sending 20 000 SMS per
connection and kannel receives them in speed 2000 SMS/sec per connection and
stores the messages in Kannel buffer.

Now i have Apache2 server with PHP scripts that do the SMS logic and reply
to kannel.

I get about 600 sms/min speed both Kannel->Apache and Apache->Kannel
direction, theres no difference what PHP script does, just empty echo "haha"
or big sql queries, i still get the same speed.

Any advice how to speed up the process?



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