Hi Beatrice,

Try setting a very low message validity. Search on this page:


for "validityperiod".

You should be able to test this yourself by setting a very low validity, turning off your phone, sending yourself a message then waiting 10 minutes or so, turning your phone on and ensuring you do not receive the message.


On Fri, 15 May 2009, Beatrice Tamburrino wrote:


thanks for your input..

My application handles the delivery status as follow:

- if dlr == 1:  executed
- if dlr == 2:  error
- if dlr == 4:  sending...
- if dlr == 8:  sending...
- if dlr == 16: error

(using mask 31)

This application will be used in a fire departmenet. They send the alarms via 
short messages. So, if somebody is not reachable at the moment, the SMSC will 
try to resend the SMS (how often? ). In this case, I'm getting the right dlr 
status 4.

Because the application is used in a fire departement, it doesnt make sens, if 
a fireman receives the SMS too late, so I have to show very quick, that the SMS 
has been queued (status: sending.. ) and after 2-3min. if the receiver is still 
unreachable, that the SMSC discarded.

Is there a way to get a notification of the discarded SMS?? Is this a matter of 
the provider? or can the Kannel server get the information?

Jovan? do you have some tips?


xox bea

-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Datum: Thu, 14 May 2009 18:21:28 +0200
Von: Jovan Kostovski <chomb...@gmail.com>
An: Beatrice Tamburrino <beatrice.tamburr...@gmx.ch>
CC: users@kannel.org
Betreff: Re: missing report if message discarded..

On Thu, May 14, 2009 at 3:09 PM, Beatrice Tamburrino
<beatrice.tamburr...@gmx.ch> wrote:

I'm facing one problem  with the status 4 (queued on SMSC ). My extern
application shows "sending..." while  the dlr-status is 4.

The message reaches the SMSC but it can not be delivered because the
recipient is offline (phone turned off, or out of network reach). The
SMSC will retry to deliver it in predefined time interval (SMSC
parameter you can not change it) until it is sent or
the message validity period is expired when the message will be
deleted from the SMSC.

 On the kannel server I've set the parameter:
sms-resend-retry = 2
sms-resend-retry = 120

this means, kannel tries only two time and then discards the SMS.

No. You've messed the things with this parameter.
In case when kannel can not deliver the message to the SMSC (can not
reach the SMSC because of network problem for example)
or the bearerbox can not deliver the message to the GSM modem or phone
connected to your box (bad config, init string or so), the failed
messages are queued for later delivery (you get reply message "3:
Queued for later delivery" if you use http interface to send the
The sms-resend-freq defines the frequency in seconds when kannel will
retry to send these queued messages which were not delivered to the
SMSC (defaults to  60 seconds) and the sms-resend-retry defines how
many times it will retry for each messages (defaults to -1 which means
unlimited number of retries)
Don't touch these parameters if you don't really need them ;)

In your case the message is delivered to the SMSC and the recipient
can not be reached.
Check your logs to see if this dlr-status appears only for some mobile
numbers. If that is the case
you can call your mobile provider and ask them what's the problem with
these subscribers.

But my application is still showing "sending..." even the message has
been discarded.

I don't know how your application handles the message states I guess
you are reading
the message states from the dlr reports ;)
If that is so, showing "sending..." is ok.
If the message has arrived to the SMSC, message is not discarded until
you get delivery report for that.

Ask your self one question, do you really need to get a delivery
report when the SMSC queues the message?
From my personal experience, I worked  for a mobile operator, nobody
didn't use delivery statuses
different then message delivered / not delivered, but its your choice ;)

BR, Jovan

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