Hi Bea,

On Fri, May 15, 2009 at 10:24 AM, Beatrice Tamburrino
<beatrice.tamburr...@gmx.ch> wrote:
> My application handles the delivery status as follow:
> - if dlr == 1:  executed
> - if dlr == 2:  error
> - if dlr == 4:  sending...
> - if dlr == 8:  sending...
> - if dlr == 16: error
> (using mask 31)

>From what I'm reading, it's important to you to see if the fireman
gets the sms or not so I would
suggest usage of dlr-mask=3
I know that it might it's a nice feature of your app to show more
verbose messages for the sms state but
you don't really need them

> This application will be used in a fire departmenet. They send the alarms via 
> short messages. So, if somebody is not reachable at the moment, the SMSC will 
> try to resend the SMS (how often? ). In this case, I'm getting the right dlr 
> status 4.

The SMSC retry interval is a parameter which is set by your provider,
it can be from few minutes up to few tens of minutes 15 or so)
The retry interval can even depend on the number of retries. Ask your
provider about their configuration.

> Because the application is used in a fire departement, it doesnt make sens, 
> if a fireman receives the SMS too late, so I have to show very quick, that 
> the SMS has been queued (status: sending.. ) and after 2-3min. if the 
> receiver is still unreachable, that the SMSC discarded.

Defining a small validity period can do the trick, but you must
clearly state to the firemen that if the message is not delivered
within that interval the message will be deleted. This way you won't
be hold responsible if the message is not sent. Make sure to
discuss with the people at the fire department so that they won't
press charges in case some messages are not delivered ;)

For an application such as yours where the sending and delivery time
is important I would use two timestamps
1. the time when the dispatcher in the fire dept. has sent the message
(the time when kannel sends the message to the SMSC
2. the time when you've received the dlr report (you are then sure
about the status of the message)

Don't forget to put a timestamp for the event in the message text as
well. for example the message text format could be:
20090515113523 Fire at the national opera

> Is there a way to get a notification of the discarded SMS?? Is this a matter 
> of the provider? or can the Kannel server get the information?

In case the message is not discarded you'll get dlr-status = 2 message not sent

Ask your provider if you are able to set the validity period as well ;)

BR, Jovan

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