Hi Rene,


I tried adding the AT+CNMI= command, but it gave me error during


Messages from the log.


2010-05-18 16:25:28 [31637] [6] DEBUG: AT2[nokiaphone]: --> ATZ^M

2010-05-18 16:25:28 [31637] [6] DEBUG: AT2[nokiaphone]: <-- OK

2010-05-18 16:25:28 [31637] [6] DEBUG: AT2[nokiaphone]: --> AT^M

2010-05-18 16:25:29 [31637] [6] DEBUG: AT2[nokiaphone]: <-- AT

2010-05-18 16:25:29 [31637] [6] DEBUG: AT2[nokiaphone]: <-- OK

2010-05-18 16:25:29 [31637] [6] DEBUG: AT2[nokiaphone]: --> AT&F^M

2010-05-18 16:25:29 [31637] [6] DEBUG: AT2[nokiaphone]: <-- AT&F

2010-05-18 16:25:29 [31637] [6] DEBUG: AT2[nokiaphone]: <-- OK

2010-05-18 16:25:29 [31637] [6] DEBUG: AT2[nokiaphone]: --> ATE0^M

2010-05-18 16:25:29 [31637] [6] DEBUG: AT2[nokiaphone]: <-- ATE0

2010-05-18 16:25:29 [31637] [6] DEBUG: AT2[nokiaphone]: <-- OK

2010-05-18 16:25:29 [31637] [6] DEBUG: AT2[nokiaphone]: --> AT+IFC=2,2^M

2010-05-18 16:25:29 [31637] [6] DEBUG: AT2[nokiaphone]: <-- OK

2010-05-18 16:25:29 [31637] [6] DEBUG: AT2[nokiaphone]: --> AT+CPIN?^M

2010-05-18 16:25:29 [31637] [6] DEBUG: AT2[nokiaphone]: <-- +CPIN: READY

2010-05-18 16:25:29 [31637] [6] DEBUG: AT2[nokiaphone]: <-- OK

2010-05-18 16:25:29 [31637] [6] DEBUG: AT2[nokiaphone]: --> AT+CMGF=0^M

2010-05-18 16:25:29 [31637] [6] DEBUG: AT2[nokiaphone]: <-- OK

2010-05-18 16:25:29 [31637] [6] DEBUG: AT2[nokiaphone]: --> AT+CSMS=?^M

2010-05-18 16:25:29 [31637] [6] DEBUG: AT2[nokiaphone]: <-- +CSMS: (0)

2010-05-18 16:25:29 [31637] [6] DEBUG: AT2[nokiaphone]: <-- OK

2010-05-18 16:25:29 [31637] [6] DEBUG: AT2[nokiaphone]: -->

2010-05-18 16:25:29 [31637] [6] DEBUG: AT2[nokiaphone]: <-- ERROR

2010-05-18 16:25:29 [31637] [6] ERROR: AT2[nokiaphone]: Generic error: ERROR

2010-05-18 16:25:29 [31637] [6] ERROR: AT2[nokiaphone]: Initialization of
device failed.

2010-05-18 16:25:29 [31637] [6] INFO: AT2[nokiaphone]: Closing device

2010-05-18 16:25:29 [31637] [6] ERROR: AT2[nokiaphone]: Couldn't connect
(retrying in 10 seconds).



Ahmad Pakhri Yahya


From: Rene Kluwen [mailto:rene.klu...@chimit.nl] 
Sent: Tue, 18 May, 2010 17:09
To: pakhri.ya...@ymail.com; users@kannel.org
Subject: RE: Problem getting Kannel to receive SMS


Check your init string and in particular AT+CNMI=..


This setting will let your phone notify if there is any incoming message to
Kannel. There's a few options you have there. Depending on which settings
your phone supports (not sure about the 5610).



From: users-boun...@kannel.org [mailto:users-boun...@kannel.org] On Behalf
Of Ahmad Pakhri Yahya
Sent: dinsdag 18 mei 2010 10:58
To: users@kannel.org
Subject: Problem getting Kannel to receive SMS



I'm new to Kannel and am having problem to get Kannel to receive SMS from
the phone.  Currently it's running on Ubuntu and using Nokia 5610 as the
modem.  I have no problem sending sms through kannel, but receiving SMS is
still unsuccessful.  No messages in the log (bearer or sms) regarding
received sms, which I suspect that kannel is not being notified by the phone
about the sms.  How do I get the phone to inform Kannel about the SMS
received. Below is my config.

# HTTP administration is disabled by default. Make sure you set the

# password if you enable it.

group = core

admin-port = 13000

admin-password = bar

admin-deny-ip = "*.*.*.*"

admin-allow-ip = ""

admin-allow-ip = ""

log-file = "/var/log/kannel/bearerbox.log"

log-level = 0

smsbox-port = 13001

box-deny-ip = "*.*.*.*"

box-allow-ip = ""

box-allow-ip = ""



group = smsc

smsc = at

modemtype = nokiaphone

device = /dev/ttyACM6

#device = /dev/ttyS0

speed = 0

smsc-id = nokiaphone

port = 13013

log-level = 0

log-file = "/var/log/kannel/smsbox.log"

#sim-buffering = true

# Nokia mobile phone setup

group = modems

id = nokiaphone

name = "Nokia 6500 config"


detect-string2="Nokia 6500"

init-string = "ATZ"

#init-string = "AT+CMGF=1"

#init-string = "AT+CNMI=1,2,0,0,0"

#init-string = "AT+CNMI=?"

#init-string = "AT Q0 V1 E1 S0=0 &C1 &D2 +FCLASS=0"

#speed = 19200

enable-hwhs = "AT+IFC=2,2"

message-storage = "SM"



group = smsbox

smsbox-id = smsbox

bearerbox-host = localhost

sendsms-port = 13013

global-sender = 13013


log-file = "/var/log/kannel/smsbox.log"

sendsms-chars="0123456789 +-"

access-log = "/var/log/kannel/access.log"

group = smsbox-route

smsbox-id = smsbox

smsc-id = nokiaphone


group = sendsms-user

username = kanneluser

password = kannelpass

max-messages = 10

concatenation = true

# SMS Service

group = sms-service

keyword = default

#keyword-regex = .*

catch-all = yes

#max-messages = 10

#concatenation = true

get-url = "http://localhost/test";

#exec /home/brite/watcer/stopwatch

omit-empty = true

accept-x-kannel-headers = true

Please help me to read the SMS from the phone.  Thank you.


Ahmad Pakhri Yahya

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