dear all i have dlr issue

i have following scenario, :

a. client connect to smpp_server
b. smpp server send the message to kannel then kannel modify sender-id
c. kannel return the modified message back to smpp server
d. smpp server send the modified message to smsc

sending sms working normally, the only issue is the delivery report,  where
client always get message delivered successfully even mobile phone is
switched off.

smppbox config also attached.
any help is highly appreciated

i attached the kannel.conf
group = core
admin-port = 14040
admin-password = admin
status-password = status
smsbox-port = 14041
log-file = "/var/log/kannel/bearerbox.log"
log-level = 1
dlr-storage = internal

group = smsbox
sendsms-port = 14042
bearerbox-host = localhost
smsbox-id = kannel-smsc1
log-file = "/var/log/kannel/smsbox.log"
log-level = 1


group = smsbox-route
smsbox-id = kannel-smsc1
smsc-id = smsc1;smsc2;smsc3;smsc4

group                   = smsc
smsc                    = smpp
smsc-id                 = smsc1
allowed-smsc-id         = smsc1;smsc2
denied-smsc-id          = smsc3;smsc4
throughput              = 300
host                    = 10.17.x.x
receive-port            = 3200
transceiver-mode        = false
smsc-username           = userin
smsc-password           = p4ss
system-type             = ""
interface-version       = 34
address-range           = ""
source-addr-ton         = 49
source-addr-npi         = 2
source-addr-autodetect  = false
dest-addr-ton           = 49
dest-addr-npi           = 2
enquire-link-interval   = 20
reconnect-delay         = 10
alt-charset = "ASCII"
reroute-dlr = true

group                   = sms-service
keyword                 = default
get-url                 = "
max-messages            = 50
concatenation           = true
accepted-smsc           = smsc1

group                   = smsc
smsc                    = smpp
smsc-id                 = smsc2
allowed-smsc-id         = smsc2
denied-smsc-id          = smsc1;smsc3;smsc4
throughput              = 300
host                    = 10.17.x.x
port                    = 3200
transceiver-mode        = false
smsc-username           = userin
smsc-password           = p4ss
system-type             = ""
interface-version       = 34
address-range           = ""
source-addr-ton         = 49
source-addr-npi         = 2
source-addr-autodetect  = false
dest-addr-ton           = 49
dest-addr-npi           = 2
enquire-link-interval   = 20
reconnect-delay         = 10
alt-charset             = "ASCII"
reroute-dlr             = true

group                   = smsc
smsc                    = smpp
smsc-id                 = smsc3
allowed-smsc-id         = smsc3;smsc4
denied-smsc-id          = smsc1;smsc2
throughput              = 300
host                    = 10.17.x.x
receive-port            = 3200
transceiver-mode        = false
smsc-username           = userout
smsc-password           = p4ss
system-type             = ""
interface-version       = 34
address-range           = ""
source-addr-ton         = 49
source-addr-npi         = 2
source-addr-autodetect  = false
dest-addr-ton           = 49
dest-addr-npi           = 2
enquire-link-interval   = 20
reconnect-delay         = 10
alt-charset             = "ASCII"
reroute-dlr             = true

group                   = sms-service
keyword                 = default
get-url                = "
max-messages            = 50
concatenation           = true
accepted-smsc           = smsc1

group                   = smsc
smsc                    = smpp
smsc-id                 = smsc4
allowed-smsc-id         = smsc4
denied-smsc-id          = smsc1;smsc2;smsc3
throughput              = 300
host                    = 10.17.x.x
port                    = 3200
transceiver-mode        = false
smsc-username           = userout
smsc-password           = p4ss
system-type             = ""
interface-version       = 34
address-range           = ""
source-addr-ton         = 49
source-addr-npi         = 2
source-addr-autodetect  = false
dest-addr-ton           = 49
dest-addr-npi           = 2
enquire-link-interval   = 20
reconnect-delay         = 10
alt-charset             = "ASCII"
reroute-dlr             = true


group = sendsms-user
name = "Group SMSC1"
username = user
password = user
max-messages = 50
concatenation = true
forced-smsc = smsc4
dlr-url         = "


group = mysql-connection
id = mydlr
host = localhost
username = root
password = ""
database = dlr
max-connections = 1

group = dlr-db
id = mydlr
table = dlr
field-smsc = smsc
field-timestamp = ts
field-destination = destination
field-source = source
field-service = service
field-url = url
field-mask = mask
field-status = status
field-boxc-id = boxc


#group = smsc
#smsc = fake
#port = 10000


SMPPBOX config
# sample smppbox.conf
group = core
#dlr-storage = mysql

# this group defines your smppbox
group = smppbox
# our boxc type
smppbox-id = kannel-sbox
# the port to listen on for smpp connections
smppbox-port = 14043
# we connect to the following host as a box
bearerbox-host = localhost
bearerbox-port = 14040
log-level = 0
log-file = /var/log/kannel/smppbox.log
our-system-id = smsc1
#route-to-smsc = my-default-smsc
#route-to-smsc = smsc1;smsc2;smsc3;smsc4
# see sample smpplogins.txt
smpp-logins = "/etc/kannel/smpplogins.txt"

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