Dear Otandeka,

Thanks for your reply,

I have asked the operator before submitting to the Kannel Users, and What
they said is "develop your gateway to handle sending to alias/encrypted

Is there any way to make kannel to accept the alias/encrypted msisdn's
instead of the pain text msisdn.

Advice please

On Sat, Jun 7, 2014 at 8:40 PM, Otandeka Simon Peter <>

> The problem is from your provider. Kannel recognizes numbers and not
> alphabetic letters.
> On Jun 7, 2014 6:43 PM, "Mohammad Abu Karim" <> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> Can I get help on the below problem which I am facing?
>> Advice please
>> On Wed, Jun 4, 2014 at 5:44 PM, Mohammad Abu Karim <>
>> wrote:
>>> Dears,
>>> I have recently installed Kannel 1.5.0
>>> The operator forward the SMPP Mo traffic to my side, but the MSISDNs
>>> coming encrypted like: AAEAADW0AAq4BweYJXU=
>>> When I am trying send SMS to the above MSISDN:  AAEAADW0AAq4BweYJXU=
>>> http://host:port
>>> /cgi-bin/sendsms?username=user&password=ppp&charset=UTF-8&coding=2&to=AAEAADW0AAq4BweYJXU=&text=text+message&from=12345&smsc=UMNIAH
>>> Or
>>> http://host:port
>>> /cgi-bin/sendsms?username=user&password=ppp&charset=UTF-8&coding=2&to=AAEAADW0AAq4BweYJXU%3d&text=text+message&from=12345&smsc=UMNIAH
>>> I am getting the below message:
>>> Number(s) has/have been denied by white- and/or black-lists.
>>> Advice please How I can make kannel to send message to the above
>>> encrypted MSISDN?
>>> The below my kannel conf:
>>> group = core
>>> admin-port = 13000
>>> smsbox-port = 13001
>>> admin-password = user
>>> status-password = ppp
>>> #admin-deny-ip = ""
>>> admin-allow-ip = "localhost"
>>> log-file = "/var/log/kannel.log"
>>> log-level = 0
>>> box-deny-ip = "*.*.*.*"
>>> box-allow-ip = ""
>>> #unified-prefix = "+358,00358,0;+,00"
>>> access-log = "/var/log/kannel-access.log"
>>> #store-file = ""
>>> #ssl-server-cert-file = "cert.pem"
>>> #ssl-server-key-file = "key.pem"
>>> #ssl-certkey-file = "mycertandprivkeyfile.pem"
>>> #dlr-storage = internal
>>> dlr-storage = mysql
>>> sms-resend-freq = 10
>>> sms-resend-retry = 0
>>> sms-combine-concatenated-mo = 1
>>> group = mysql-connection
>>> id = dlr-db
>>> host = localhost
>>> username = root
>>> password = ppppass
>>> database = mo
>>>  max-connections = 20
>>> group = dlr-db
>>> id = dlr-db
>>> table = dlr
>>> field-smsc = smsc
>>> field-timestamp = ts
>>> field-destination = destination
>>> field-source = source
>>> field-service = service
>>> field-url = url
>>> field-mask = mask
>>> field-status = status
>>> field-boxc-id = boxc
>>> group = smsc
>>> smsc = smpp
>>> smsc-id = UMNIAH_CONN
>>> host =
>>> port = 2345
>>> receive-port = 2345
>>> #transceiver-mode = 1
>>> smsc-username = "username"
>>> smsc-password = 12345
>>> keepalive = 10
>>> enquire-link-interval = 10
>>> system-type = "smpp"
>>> allowed-smsc-id = UMNIAH_CONN
>>> interface-version = 34
>>> address-range = ""
>>> reconnect-delay = 10
>>> source-addr-ton = 5
>>> source-addr-npi = 1
>>> dest-addr-ton = 1
>>> dest-addr-npi = 1
>>> bind-addr-ton = 0
>>> bind-addr-npi = 0
>>> msg-id-type = 0x00
>>> log-file = /var/log/umniah_smpp.log
>>> group = smsbox
>>> bearerbox-host =
>>> sendsms-port = 13013
>>> sendsms-chars = "0123456789 +-ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ
>>> abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz /()*...@#¤%&{}£$"
>>> log-file = "/var/log/smsbox.log"
>>> log-level = 0
>>> access-log = "/var/log/smsbox-access.log"
>>> mo-recode = 1
>>> group = sendsms-user
>>> username = tester
>>> password = foobar
>>> max-messages = 6
>>> concatenation = true
>>> group = sms-service
>>> keyword = default
>>> get-url = "
>>> http://localhost/catch.php?org_sms=%b&msisdn=%p&shortcode=%P&smpp_conn=%i&coding=%c&udh=%u&org_smsc=%f&charset=%C
>>> "
>>> omit-empty = true
>>> max-messages = 10
>>> concatenation = 1
>>> Waiting your kind help
>>> Regards
>>> --
>>> *Regards *
>> --
>> *Thank You & Best Regards,*


*Thank You & Best Regards,*

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