Hi All,


I have a strange problem. The Kannel install works and SMS messages send
data as expected. However, when it send the data to the modem it removes the
+ from the number. I have read a range of information, docs, etc, and all
discuss removal of the plus, but nothing discusses why it would be removed
by default.


I need to add the plus for my SMSC connections, and it is the only area in
issue as everything else is sent to the modem as it should be.


I have the standard sendsms-chars = "0123456789+- " code in SMSBOX and I
have tried the unified characters string to no avail. The + is always


Log extract shows the issue (plus removed between USER: NUMBER).


sendsms sender:<USER: 614888XXXXX> (IP) to:< 614888XXXXX> msg:<test TLV>


I expect, and based on the forums it should be <USER:+614888XXXXX> etc


Its clear it is happening in the blackened, but I can see no way to change
the behaviour.


My version is :


Kannel bearerbox version `1.4.4'. Build `Apr 5 2016 13:32:05', compiler
`5.3.1 20160330'. System Linux, release 4.4.0-154-generic, version
#181-Ubuntu SMP Tue Jun 25 05:29:03 UTC 2019, machine x86_64. Hostname
sms.gallagherandco.co.nz, IP Libxml version 2.9.3. Using OpenSSL
1.0.2g 1 Mar 2016. Compiled with MySQL 5.7.11, using MySQL 5.7.26. Compiled
with PostgreSQL 9.5.2. Using SQLite 3.11.0. Using hiredis API 0.13.3 Using
native malloc.


Nothing fancy at this stage, just the basics to make sure it works first.


Thanks for any assistance as I have been on it for a day and found no
articles to help, so thought it was time to ask.



Config with sensitive parts REMOVED



group = core

admin-port = REMOVED

admin-password = REMOVED

status-password = REMOVED

log-file = /var/log/kannel/kannel.log

log-level = 0

access-log = /var/log/kannel/access.log

smsbox-port = REMOVED

store-type = spool

store-location = /var/spool/kannel/store

smsbox-max-pending = 100



group = smsbox

bearerbox-host = localhost

bearerbox-port = REMOVED

sendsms-port = REMOVED

sendsms-chars = "0123456789+- "

log-file = /var/log/kannel/smsbox.log

log-level = 0

access-log = /var/log/kannel/access.log

mo-recode = true


# smsc smpp1

group = smsc

smsc = smpp

smsc-id = smpp1

allowed-smsc-id = smpp1

host = REMOVED

port = REMOVED

transceiver-mode = yes

smsc-username = REMOVED

smsc-password = REMOVED

system-type = "default"

log-file = /var/log/kannel/smsc-smpp1.log

log-level = 0


# sendsms-user

group = sendsms-user

default-smsc = smpp1

username = REMOVED

password = REMOVED

max-messages = 6

concatenation = true



group = sms-service

keyword = default

omit-empty = true

max-messages = 0

get-url = REMOVED

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