Dear Antony,

May be this helps.

The Kannel DLR mechanism works as follows:

   1. Kannel sends your message in submit_sm packet to smsc.
   2. SMSC replies with submit_sm_resp, witch have a *ID* in it.
   3. if SMSC accepts the message, there will be an *ID *and kannel sends
   status=8 , kannel tries to extracts *ID* ( known as foreign_id or fid )
   and keeps message info with smsc_id in kannel configuration *,*
   otherwise there will be error code and kannel sends status=16 (message
   rejected by smsc).
   4. For Accepted messages, SMSC sends a deliver_sm packet with same *ID * to
   tell kannel the final status of message, witch will be delivered (status=1)
   or undelivered/expired (status=2).
   5. kannel extract *ID*, and tries to find dlr config from dlr-storage.
   if it does'nt find  you will see

*2019-08-17 12:19:53 [11506] [6] ERROR: SMPP[Carrier]: got DLR but could
   not find message or was not interested in it
   id<4057323ed63f402595dde997f8f55d60> dst<447799112233>, type<1>*

P.S. The 6 sometimes happen because of your kannel config for
*msg-id-type.* kannel
deals with *ID*s as numbers and some SMSCs send HEXADECIMAL ids. so you
should tell kannel with type of message id will be returned.

You can find SMSC behavior with packet capture tools like wireshark.

On Sat, Aug 17, 2019 at 7:55 PM Antony Stone <> wrote:

> Replying to myself in case it helps others looking for this information in
> future.
> On Saturday 17 August 2019 at 15:42:38, Antony Stone wrote:
> > It looks like I'm going to have to look into using a database for my DLR
> > storage.  I do happen to have a MariaDB Galera cluster available, but
> I've
> > read that the
> > Debian packaged installation of kannel doesn't work with MySQL, only if
> > you build kannel from source.
> >
> > Does anyone know whether this is still true (kannel 1.4.4, kannel-sqlbox
> > 0.7.2) for the Debian 9 Stretch packages?
> Yes, this is still true :(
> The Debian Stretch package has not been updated with whatever bug fix
> comes
> from building kannel yourself from source.
> It makes me wonder slightly how the Debian package got built...
> But anyway, if you want kannel working with MySQL, don't start from the
> Debian
> Stretch package.
> I do notice that there's a packaged version of kannel 1.4.5 in the new
> (since
> 6th July) Debian Stable (version 10, Buster), but I don't have the
> facility to
> try that out yet - trying to install that package into Stretch involves
> too
> many incompatibilities, and I can't upgrade the entire machine to Buster
> because that would also upgrade my Asterisk 13 to Asterisk 16, which I'm
> not
> ready for yet.
> If I do find any reasonable way of getting kannel to work with MySQL
> storage
> under Debian Stretch, I'll reply again here to let people know how.
> In the meantime I hope someone can point me at the final bit of my
> delivery
> reports problem - how do I tell kannel to send a DLR status=1 to notify a
> sender that their message has been delivered?
> Thanks,
> Antony.
> --
> A user interface is like a joke.
> If you have to explain it, it means it doesn't work.
>                                                    Please reply to the
> list;
>                                                          please *don't* CC
> me.


Sayed Hadi Rastgou Haghi

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