On 07/05/2015 07:51 PM, Laz C. Peterson wrote:
> Hello Martijn, thank you for these .deb files.  I have set up the
> test server and all looks to be running smoothly except for (so far)
> one thing I have noticed.
> When importing certificates or keys under “Certificates” menu, we are
> getting an error that says:
> Keys: The private key file could not be imported. Cause:
> ClassNotFoundException:
> org.bouncycastle.jcajce.provider.keystore.pkcs12.PKCS12KeyStoreSpi$BCPKCS12KeyStore
> Certificates: An unexpected application exception has occurred.
> org/bouncycastle/asn1/ANS1InputStream

Could it be that you upgraded an existing server and forgot to restart
tomcat? I just tested it with a fresh installation on Ubuntu 14.04 and
was able to import a p12 (pfx) file without any problem.

> Since I am not tossing this into production just yet, I don’t know of
> a way to test the certificates/keys automatically importing from
> incoming emails.  If you have a way to do that without being a live
> relay, I would be happy to test.
> Also, the /etc/djigzo folder no longer contains the symbolic links to
> the CipherMail configuration files.  (/etc/djigzo-web is fine.)

This was already changed with the last release (2.10.0-3). I decided
that it was not worth the effort to symlink all config files from /etc/
to the real dir. Some config files were symlinked from /etc/ and some
were not.

Kind regards,

Martijn Brinkers

CipherMail email encryption

Open source email encryption gateway with support for S/MIME, OpenPGP
and PDF messaging.


Twitter: http://twitter.com/CipherMail

CipherMail email encryption

Open source email encryption gateway with support for S/MIME, OpenPGP
and PDF messaging.


Twitter: http://twitter.com/CipherMail
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